Consider the following statements about the Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs): 1. An InvITs is like a mutual fund, which enables direct investment of small amounts of money from possible individual/institutional investors in infrastructure. 2. The trustee, who inspects the performance of an InvIT is certified by Sebi and he cannot be an associate of the sponsor or manage. Which of the above statements is/are Incorrect? - Study24x7
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1010 followers study24x7 05 Feb 2021 04:17 PM study24x7 study24x7

Consider the following statements about the Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs): 1. An InvITs is like a mutual fund, which enables direct investment of small amounts of money from possible individual/institutional investors in infrastructure. 2. The trustee, who inspect...

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1 only


2 only


Both 1 and 2


Neither 1 nor 2

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