The share of atomic energy in the total electricity generation in India has remained around 3% for many years and the major reason for low share has been the low installed capacity base. With reference to this identify which of the following is/are reasons for low capacity base? 1. Technology development and international embargo regime that persisted from 1974 to 2008. 2. Lack of availability of financial resources in the first two decades as India had to solely depend on budgetary support. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: - Study24x7
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1011 followers study24x7 21 Jan 2021 01:49 PM study24x7 study24x7

The share of atomic energy in the total electricity generation in India has remained around 3% for many years and the major reason for low share has been the low installed capacity base. With reference to this identify which of the following is/are reasons for low capacity bas...

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2 only


Both 1 and 2


Neither 1 nor 2

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