D.D.T. was invented by? - Study24x7
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05 Oct 2020 11:18 AM study24x7 study24x7

D.D.T. was invented by?






Karl Benz



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  • aditi arora

  • D.D.T was invented by Paul Herman Muller. A physicist in Switzerland developed another compound that would drastically alter the lives of ranchers and ordinary people all over the world. During World War II, Muller discovered its potential as a pesticide to control jungle fever and typhus among civilians and troops, a discovery that earned him the Nobel Prize in 1948. It was first performed in the year 1874.

    DDT was used to control the spread of the insect-borne diseases malaria and typhus among civilians and troops during the second half of World War II. Müller received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1948 "for his discovery of DDT's high efficiency as a contact poison against several arthropods."

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