Figure out this puzzle catering to RBI Grade B exam, the solution of which will be shortly uploaded on my Youtube channel. There are 5 friends who scored different points in a card game. Each of them likes different colour Red, Blue Green, Yellow and orange. They also have different professions viz. Teacher, Doctor, lawyer, Engineer and Architect. C likes Yellow and is an Architect. A and D like either Red or Green colour. E does not like Blue colour and is not a Teacher. The person who likes Blue colour is a Lawyer. D is neither a Teacher nor an engineer. The person who is a teacher had more points than the one who likes Blue colour but less than the one who is an Architect .C scored 60 points. The person who is a Doctor scored less marks than only E. The person who likes Red colour  is not a teacher. The minimum and maximum points scored in the card game are 45 and 100.Prepare a table of the persons having respective profession ,colour and points - Study24x7
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264 followers study24x7 11 Jun 2020 09:23 AM study24x7 study24x7

Figure out this puzzle catering to RBI Grade B exam, the solution of which will be shortly uploaded on my Youtube channel. There are 5 friends who scored different points in a card game. Each of them likes different colour Red, Blue Green, Yellow and orange. They also have diffe...

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  • Dipak Mishra
  • Please go through the Explanation which I have uploaded here
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