The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph. P- And if I think about something which didn't happen I start thinking about all the other things which didn't happen. Q- But there is only ever one thing which happened at a particular time and a particular place. R- And there are an infinite number of things which didn't happen at that time and that place. S- A lie is when you say something happened which didn't happen. - Study24x7
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3619 followers study24x7 30 May 2020 11:43 AM study24x7 study24x7

The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P- And if I think about something which didn't happen I start thinking about all the other things which did...

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