One nation one ration card scheme implemented in four States One nation one ration card scheme was launched on Thursday on a pilot basis in four states- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. The scheme will provide a major boost to the national food security government. Under the one nation one ration card scheme, families who have food security cards will be able to buy rice, wheat or any food grain at a subsidized price from any ration shop in the mentioned states. The ration cards will need to be linked with the Aadhaar Number to avail the service. The Union Government plans to extend the One nation one ration card scheme to all the states by August 2020 to enable the portability of the food security card - Study24x7
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One nation one ration card scheme implemented in four States One nation one ration card scheme was launched on Thursday on a pilot basis in four states- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. The scheme will provide a major boost to the national food security gove...

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One nation one ration card scheme implemented in four...
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