Python has been around for over 20 years, so a lot of code written in Python has built up over the decades and, being an open source programming language, a lot of this has been released for others to use. Almost all of it is collected on, pronounced “pie-pee-eye” or, more commonly called “the CheeseShop”. You can install this software on your system to be used by your own projects. For example, if you want to use Python to build scripts with commandline arguments, you’d install the “click” library and then import it into your scripts and use it. There are libraries for pretty much any use case you can come up with, from image manipulation, to scientific calculations, to server automation. - Study24x7
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18 May 2019 12:08 PM study24x7 study24x7

Python has been around for over 20 years, so a lot of code written in Python has built up over the decades and, being an open source programming language, a lot of this has been released for others to use. Almost all of it is collected on 

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