Turning stairs: • Quarter turn stair :  Provided where flight direction is to be changed by 900  Change in direction can be affected by either introducing a quarter space landing or by providing winders at junctions. • Half turn stair:  They change their direction through 1800 . They can be dog legged and open newel.  In doglegged stair, flights are in opposite direction and no space is provided between the flights.  In open newel stair, there is a well/opening between flights and may be used to accommodate lift.  Open newel stairs are used at places where sufficient space is available. • Three quarter turn stair:  They change in the direction through 2700 or direction is changed with its upper flight crossing the bottom one.  In this type an open well is formed. - Study24x7
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12 Apr 2019 09:35 AM study24x7 study24x7

Turning stairs: • Quarter turn stair :  Provided where flight direction is to be changed by 900  Change in direction can be affected by either introducing a quarter space landing or by providing winders at junctions. • Half turn stair:  They change their direction t...

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