You are posted in surgery where 4 cases have been posted for surgery the next day. Which case will you post first on the OT list? A. 70 year old lady with long standing diabetes, HTN for breast lumpectomy B. 45 year old fit male for lap cholecystectomy C. 35 year old female for a lap abdominal hysterectomy D. 40 year old female with no co-morbid conditions for a mastectomy - Study24x7
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01 Feb 2019 01:20 PM study24x7 study24x7

You are posted in surgery where 4 cases have been posted for surgery the next day. Which case will you post first on the OT list? A. 70 year old lady with long standing diabetes, HTN for breast lumpectomy B. 45 year old fit male for lap cholecystectomy C. 35 year old female for ...

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You are posted in surgery where 4 cases have been pos...
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