What is Euclid Geometry - NCERT Class 9th Maths Chapter 6 Euclidean geometry is the study of solid and plane figures that depends on the theorems and axioms stated by the Greek mathematician Euclid (c. 300 bce). Basically Euclidean geometry is the solid and plane geometry usually taught in secondary schools. It is the most common expression of general mathematical thinking. Instead of applying algorithms to solve equations, one needs to apply specific theorems that give the ability to generalize apart from known facts and insist on value of proof. The most basic tools used in Euclidean geometry are ruler and compass. - Study24x7
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What is Euclid Geometry - NCERT Class 9th Maths Chapter 6 Euclidean geometry is the study of solid and plane figures that depends on the theorems and axioms stated by the Greek mathematician Euclid (c. 300 bce). Basically Euclidean geometry is the solid and plane geometry usuall...

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