Can you explain data-driven testing? Ans. Normally an application has to be tested with multiple sets of data. For instance, a simple login screen, depending on the user type, will give different rights. For example, if the user is an admin he will have full rights, while a user will have limited rights and support if he only has read-only support rights. In this scenario the testing steps are the same but with different user ids and passwords. In data-driven testing, inputs to the system are read from data files such as Excel, CSV (comma separated values), ODBC, etc. So the values are read from these sources and then test steps are executed by automated testing. - Study24x7
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31 May 2023 12:13 PM study24x7 study24x7

Can you explain data-driven testing? Ans. Normally an application has to be tested with multiple sets of data. For instance, a simple login screen, depending on the user type, will give different rights. For example, if the user is an admin he will have full rights, while a user...

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Can you explain data-driven testing?

Ans. Normally a...
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