How do you redirect a standard stream? Ans. Most operating systems, including DOS, provide a means to redirect program input and output to and from different devices. This means that rather than your program output (stdout) going to the screen, it can be redirected to a file or printer port. Similarly, your program's input (stdin) can come from a file rather than the keyboard. In DOS, this task is accomplished using the redirection characters, < and >. For example, if you wanted a program named PRINTIT.EXE to receive its input (stdin) from a file named STRINGS.TXT, you would enter the following command at the DOS prompt: C:>PRINTIT < STRINGS.TXT Notice that the name of the executable file always comes first. The less-than sign ( - Study24x7
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11 Apr 2023 01:15 PM study24x7 study24x7

How do you redirect a standard stream? Ans. Most operating systems, including DOS, provide a means to redirect program input and output to and from different devices. This means that rather than your program output (stdout) going to the screen, it can be redirected to a file or ...

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