Is there still a future for radio with television being so popular? TV has been popular since the middle of the last century and radio has not gone away, so a better question today might be: Is there still a future for broadcasting on the ubiquitous Internet and mobile devices? The answer to this question is yes, but rarely. Radio listening has already evolved into music streaming for music and quickly transitioned to podcasts for talk. Stream (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) al.) offers unlimited music than can be found on the radio or bought anywhere, all at the convenience of the audience. Podcasts also help listeners hear what they want and feel comfortable with. Ads and podcasts also provide a way to avoid ads. Internet subscription TV is now more popular than cable (including satellite TV), and will eventually eclipse cable TV almost entirely. Radio broadcasts continue to dominate today's car stereos. Mobile internet will eat that too. One exception is satellite radio, which continues to grow, but at the expense of terrestrial radio. It is also significant that all countries are removing the radio. Take an AM/FM radio to Norway and you'll only hear the static. (Although at night, some AM will escape from the ionosphere along the way.) Another thing that kills advertising is the cost of the movers and the money that can be made by eliminating them. AM radio broadcasts from towers hundreds of meters high, on high ground. In most cases, the land is marketable rather than reserved. FM radio and television are broadcast from small antennas on tall buildings, towers, and on top of mountains or hills. These can also be more expensive than they are worth, especially when almost all of the listening is going online. In the US, the FCC is also working to trick the stations into marketing the frequencies they only offer cable and internet. The goal is to make a single frequency available for wireless data use. In the middle of all this is the real question of whether or not the 'station', many of them repeat what can be heard elsewhere, worth keeping, even on the Internet. So I think some radio will survive - especially where mobile data isn't available - but TV will disappear from live streaming and even cable. However, since genres last even when their legacy media is gone, you can expect that familiar 'content' genres (such as shows, games, and events) will remain. such as inherited conventions. #radio #television #media_&_journalism #media #contentwriting - Study24x7
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13 Oct 2022 05:40 PM study24x7 study24x7

Is there still a future for radio with television being so popular? TV has been popular since the middle of the last century and radio has not gone away, so a better question today might be: Is there still a future for broadcasting on the ubiquitous Internet and mobile devices? ...

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