Types of directives: 1. Component directives These form the main class in directives. Instead of @Directive decorator we use @Component decorator to declare these directives. These directives have a view, a stylesheet and a selector property. 2. Structural directives These directives are generally used to manipulate DOM elements. Every structural directive has a ‘ * ’ sign before them. We can apply these directives to any DOM element. 3. Attribute Directives These directives are used to change the look and behaviour of a DOM element. Let’s understand attribute directives by creating one: - Study24x7
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14 followers study24x7 19 Sep 2022 04:59 PM study24x7 study24x7

Types of directives: 1. Component directives These form the main class in directives. Instead of @Directive decorator we use @Component decorator to declare these directives. These directives have a view, a stylesheet and a selector property. 2. Structural directives These di...

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