Why do economists focus more on generating employment than production? Can't we simply produce as per free market demand, using technology without worrying about reducing employment? - Study24x7
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21 Jul 2022 05:58 PM study24x7 study24x7

Why do economists focus more on generating employment than production? Can't we simply produce as per free market demand, using technology without worrying about reducing employment?

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  • Dev kumar

  • 1. In specific cases, joblessness could be a side effect of an issue of the economy. For instance, during downturns, there can be an underutilisation of both capital and work. This is a poor balance. Business analysts might be worried about how to push up this balance.
    2. According to a political economy perspective, more significant levels of joblessness might make social requests for specific strategies which could be unsafe for financial development. This might require resolving the issue of business regardless of whether development is the sole goal.

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