I'm a student of class 11th now...and the issue is we didn't learn any basics in our class 10 and 9 as it was completely based on online mode and moreover I'm a cbse student so studying was not so prioritized. now I have opted bipc and facing a lot of problem in physics and chemistry...I'm lagging behind a lot when compared to other SSE and ICSE students. how can I overcome this problem. please suggest any ideas...I will be grateful to you guys...!! - Study24x7
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12 Jul 2021 08:12 PM study24x7 study24x7

I'm a student of class 11th now...and the issue is we didn't learn any basics in our class 10 and 9 as it was completely based on online mode and moreover I'm a cbse student so studying was not so prioritized. now I have opted bipc and facing a lot of problem in physi...

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  • Vanshika Arora
  • well as per the situation, I guess you should go for online classes because 3rd wave of COVID is about to come!
  • Jo Thika J
  • Go for tuition
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