Reasoning Book with solution For all competitive exam - Study24x7
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Reasoning Book with solution For all competitive exam
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Reasoning Book with solution For all competitive exam

A reasoning course is a comprehensive study of the different types of reasoning, including deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning. It also covers the different types of arguments, such as syllogistic arguments, inductive arguments, and abductive arguments. The course also teaches students how to evaluate arguments and identify logical fallac...

5.0  (1 Ratings) 6 Learner
validy img Validity Unlimited
level All Level
level हिन्दी
  • Railways
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About This Course

A reasoning course is a comprehensive study of the different types of reasoning, including deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning. It also covers the different types of arguments, such as syllogistic arguments, inductive arguments, and abductive arguments. The course also teaches students how to evaluate arguments and identify logical fallac...

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Review & Ratings


Dev kumar

09 Nov 2023 06:06 PM

very helpful