Modern Instrumental Methods of Analysis - Study24x7
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Modern Instrumental Methods of Analysis
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Modern Instrumental Methods of Analysis

This course is designed to familiarize the students with various instrumental methods of chemical analysis that scientists and engineers come across during their course work and research undertakings. The participants are introduced to the principles of chemical analysis, matrix effects, detailed instrumentation, operation and interpretation of dat...

5.0  (644 Ratings) 647 Learner
validy img Validity Unlimited
level All Level
level English
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About This Course

This course is designed to familiarize the students with various instrumental methods of chemical analysis that scientists and engineers come across during their course work and research undertakings. The participants are introduced to the principles of chemical analysis, matrix effects, detailed instrumentation, operation and interpretation of dat...

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Course Curriculum

Review & Ratings


dipshika shrivastava

22 Feb 2021 12:15 PM

Thankyou So much mudakavi Sir, fro providing such a good course for Modern Instrumental Methods of Analysis

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