CCC Practice Set Book in English - Study24x7
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CCC Practice Set Book in English
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CCC Practice Set Book in English

The CCC (Course on Computer Concepts) book by NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology) serves as a comprehensive guide to fundamental computer concepts and skills. This instructional resource is designed to cater to individuals seeking a solid foundation in computer literacy. The book covers a wide range of topics, incl...

4.0  (1 Ratings) 2 Learner
validy img Validity Unlimited
level All Level
level English
  • Railways
  • UPSC
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Program Fee

About This Course

The CCC (Course on Computer Concepts) book by NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology) serves as a comprehensive guide to fundamental computer concepts and skills. This instructional resource is designed to cater to individuals seeking a solid foundation in computer literacy. The book covers a wide range of topics, incl...

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What will you learn
Introduction to Computer
Operating System – Microsoft Windows, Linux
MS Office – Word, Excel and Power Point
Libre Office – Writer, Calac and Presentation
Course Curriculum

Review & Ratings


Chirag Singhal

06 Dec 2023 04:18 PM
