
Understanding the exam pattern in depth is crucial as it assists in understanding the factors that affect the exam format, the length of the test, the total amount of questions asked, what topics the exam will consist of, etc.
The exam pattern is determined by the National Testing Agency (NTA) There aren't any major changes that are made each year. But, minor revisions are being made to the exam structure.
Beginning to begin UGC examination pattern for 2023 There are two exams within the syllabus: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
In contrast, Paper 1 which is common for all applicants, is carries 100 marks. The subject of Paper 2 can be selected by the candidate depending on their graduation subject and is worth a total of 200 marks.
The test is conducted online mode, and a duration of 3 hours are allotted to finish both questions.
One interesting thing to consider is the absence of negative marking on either of these papers.
When it comes to the level of difficulty for both papers Paper 1 is considerably less difficult to write than 2. 2.
If you're thinking of taking this UGC NET examination in the month of December in 2023 Check the eligibility requirements.
UGC NET Paper 2 Management Syllabus

The Management syllabus subject is not only about the theory, but also a large quantity of case studies and numerical data.
If you're hoping to make it through UGC NET December 2023 with Management as the topic to Paper 2, I have laid out all 10 topics in detail:
Unit I
- Management - Conceptual Method, Theory, and approaches Roles and Skills in Management Management - Concept, Process, Theories and Skills
- functions : Planning and Organizing, Staffing Monitoring and Coordinating.
- Communication Types, Processes and Obstacles.
- decision making - Concept, Methodology Tools, Techniques and Concepts Decision Making - Concept, Process, Techniques and Tools
- Organization Structure and Design Types Centralisation, Authority, Responsibility Decentralisation, and Span of Control The Organisation Structure and Design - Types, Authority, Responsibility, Centralisation,
- Managerial Economics - Concept & Importance
- Demand Analysis – Utility analysis Indifference Curve, Elasticity and Forecasting Demand analysis - Utility Analysis, Indifference Curve & Forecasting
- Market Structures - Market Classification & Price Determination
- National Income Definition, types and Measurements The concept, types and measurement of the National Income
- Inflation: Conceptualization, Measurement and Types Inflation Concept, Types and Measurement
- Business Ethics & CSR
- Ethical Issues & Dilemma
- Corporate Governance
- Value Based Organisation
Unit II
- Organisational Behaviour - Significance & Theories
- Individual Behaviour - Personality, Perception, Values, Attitude, Learning and Motivation
- Group Behaviour - Team Building, Leadership, Group Dynamics
- Interpersonal Behaviour & Transactional Analysis
- Organizational Culture & Climate
- Work Force Diversity & Cross Culture Organisational Behaviour
- Stress Management and Emotions Stress Management The Emotions and Stress Management
- Organisational Justice and Whistle Blowing Organisational Justice and Whistle Blowing
- Human Resource Management - Concept, Perspectives, and Influences and recent trends Human Resource Management - Concept, Perspectives, Influences and Recent Trends
- Human Resource Management, Recruitment and Selection Induction training and development Training and Development
- Employment Analysis and Job Evaluation as well as Compensation Manager Compensation Management, Job Analysis, and Job Evaluation
Unit III
- Strategic Role of Human Resource Management
- Competency Mapping & Balanced Scoreboard
- Career Planning and Development
- Evaluation and Management of Performance Performance Management and Appraisal
- Organization Development, Change & OD Interventions
- Talent Management & Skill Development
- Employee Engagement & Work Life Balance
- Industrial Relations Disputes and Grievance Management Labour Welfare and Social Security Industrial Relations: Disputes & Grievances Management, Labour Welfare and
- Trade Union & Collective Bargaining
- International Human Resource Management HR the Challenge of International Business International Human Resource Management - The HR Challenge of International Business
- Green HRM
Unit IV
- Accounting Principles and Standards,Preparation of Financial Statements
- Analyzing Financial Statements Using Ratio Analysis Cash Flow and Funds Flow Analysis DuPont Analysis Financial Statement Analysis - Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow and Cash
- Cost Sheet Preparation Marginal Costing and Cost-Volume Profit Analyse Cost Volume Profit Analysis
- Standard Costing & Variance Analysis
- Financial Management, Concept & Functions
- Capital The Structure of Capital : Theories and Costs of Capital, Sources and Finance Capital Structure - Theories, Cost of Capital, Sources and Finance
- Budgeting and Control of Budgets Process and Types Zero-base Budgeting Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Types and Process
- Leverages - Operating Financial and Combined Leverages EBIT-EPS Analysis Financial Breakeven Point and Infference the Level.
- Value and Returns - Time Preference of Money, Value of Shares and Bonds Risk and Returns
- Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting Nature of Investment, Evaluation and Comparison of Methods Risk and Uncertainly Analyzing Capital Budgeting - The Nature of Investment, Evaluation, Risk and Uncertain
- Dividend-Theory and determination Theories and Determination
- Mergers and Acquisitions - Corporate Restructuring, Value Creation Merger Negotiations and Leveraged Purchases and Takeovers Mergers and Acquisitions
- Portfolio Management - CAPM, APT
- Derivatives - Options, Option Payoffs, Option Pricing, Forward Contracts & Future Contracts
- Working Capital Management - Determinants and Cash, Inventory Accounts Receivables and Payables Management and Factoring
- International Financial Management, Foreign exchange market
Unit VI
- Strategic Management - Concept, Process, Decision & Types
- Strategic Analysis External Analysis PEST, Porter's Method to Industry Analysis, Internal Analysis Resource Based Method Analysis of Value Chain Analysis
- Strategy Formulation SWOT Analysis Corporate Strategy: Growth Stability, Retrenchment and Integration and Diversification Portfolio Analysis -- BCG, GE Business Model, Ansoff's Product Market Growth Matrix
- Strategy Implementation - The Challenges of Change creating programs using the Mckinsey Sevens Framework Strategy Implementation
- Marketing - Conceptual orientation, trends and tasks Satisfaction and Value to Customers The concept of Orientation, Concept, Customer Value and Satisfaction
- Market Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting
- Pricing and Product Choice - Product Mix Product Life Cycle, Development of Products, Pricing - Strategies as well as Strategies
- Place and promotion decisions Marketing Value networks and channels VMS IMC Marketing, and sales promotion
- The Consumer as well as Industrial Behavior Theories and Models of Consumer Behavior
- Brand Management Role of Brands Equity Models, Brand Equity and Creating an effective Branding Strategy and Brand Name Decisions Brand Extensions, Brand Marketing and loyalty Brand Management - Role of Brands, Equity Models, and Loy
- Logistic and Supply Chain Management Drivers, Value creation Supply Chain Design Planning and Managing Sales Force personal selling Personal Selling
- Services Marketing Management of Brands and Quality of Service Marketing Strategies for Service Businesses Service Marketing - Managing Quality and Brands of Service Firms
- Markets for Customer Relations Relationship Building Strategy, Values, Strategies and Methods Customer Relationship Marketing - Values, Strategy, and Process
- Retail Marketing - Recent Trends in India, Types of Retail Outlets.
- New Trends for Marketing Concept of direct Marketing digital Marketing as well as Green Marketing
- International Marketing - Entry Mode Decisions, Planning Marketing Mix for International Markets
- The Concept of Statistics in Management Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Probability Distribution Normal, Binominal, Poison as well as Exponential
- Data Collection & Questionnaire Design
- Sampling - Conceptual, Method and techniques Concept, Process and Techniques
- Hypothesis Testing - Procedure; T, Z, F, Chi-square tests
- Correlation and Regression Analysis
- Operations Management The Role of the Manager and its Scope Role and Scope
- Facility Layout and Location - Analysis of Site Selection Layout Design, Method Design and Process
- Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP Modules, ERP implementation
- Scheduling; Loading, Sequencing and Monitoring
- Qualitative Management and Statistics Quality Control, Quality Circles, Total Quality Management - KAIZEN, Benchmarking, Six Sigma; ISO 9000 Series Standards Quality Management and Statistical Quality Control, Benchmarking, ISO 9000 Series Standards
- Operation Research - Transportation, Queuing Decision Theory, PERT / CPM
Unit IX
- World Business - Management of Business in the Globalization Era; Theories of International Trade; Balance of payment The balance of payment
- Foreign Direct Investment - Benefits and Costs Foreign Direct Investment - Benefits and Costs
- Regulation multilateral of the trade and Investment under WTO WTO
- International Trade Procedures and Documentation EXIM Guidelines International Trade Procedures and Documentation; EXIM Policies
- The role of International Financial Institutions - IMF and World Bank
- Information Technology Use in Computers to manage Applications; DSS, MIS
- Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- The Data Warehousing The the Data Mining as well Knowledge Management - Concepts
- Managing Technological Change
Unit - X
- Enterprise Development Concepts Types, Theories, and Processes, Building the competencies of entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Development - Concept, Types, Theories and Process
- Intrapreneurship: Conceptual and Methodology Intrapreneurship - Concept and Process
- Women Entrepreneurship and Rural Entrepreneurship
- Innovative Business Strategies The types of innovations, Creating and identifying Opportunities and Screening Ideas for Business
- Corporate Plan and feasibility Analysis Concept and Techniques of technical, Market and Analysis of Financial Analysis Business Plan and Feasibility Analysis - Concept and Process of Technical, Market
- Micro and Small Scale Industries in India The role of the government in promoting SSI
- Sickness in small Industries Sickness in Small Industries Reasons as well as Rehabilitation Rehabilitation
- Institutional Finance for small Industries Small-scale Industries Financial Institutions, Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, Micro Finance.
This means that we have completed this section. We have talked in depth about UGC NET syllabus and exam procedure for Paper 1 as well as Paper 2. I hope you will find this comprehensive information about the subjects useful for the exam preparation. I'm now taking my sphere and wish you good best of luck in the future.
Best of luck! !
Keep Learning! !