What are the programming languages in computers? - Study24x7
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What are the programming languages in computers?

Updated on 17 March 2023
32 min read 29 views
Updated on 17 March 2023

The terms password and program are often used interchangeably, but they don't always mean the same thing. Coding and programming means writing instructions for the computer. But programming can also include algorithms and data structures. In general, the term programming describes a more advanced function. Although you can only code on a computer for a limited time, some programs may require special software. Event programs are often large and complex. They may require project management and a strong knowledge base.


Programming language 


Programming requires knowledge of at least one coding language, syntax and rules that computers can understand. There are hundreds of coding languages, each unique in its purpose and capabilities.


But some languages are easier to learn than others - these are the best to start with because they are the fastest way to learn the basics of programming. Programming languages give you structure for the instructions you write. This language is similar to English, but not exactly. Programmers talk about the grammar and syntax of programming languages.


Low-level languages like Assembly or Machine Learning are easier for machines to read than for humans, so they will be harder to learn. That said, an intermediate language like C++ is useful if you want to write: 


  1. Operating system 
  2. Database system 
  3. Image or video editing software 


Advanced languages are often easier for beginners. Some focus on organization, while others are interactive and can handle complex tasks. Below are some of the best languages for beginners. Try to familiarize yourself with one language that suits your purpose, and explore others if you want. Don't worry about choosing the wrong one, though. These languages share an underlying concept, so you can start with one and move to another if you want.



Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the foundation of the Internet - it is used to describe the content of web pages. When you load a web page, what you see is usually an HTML document rendered by your browser. If you're not sure coding is your thing, HTML is the easiest language to check out.

This is because HTML is technically not a programming language - it doesn't run scripts, and you can't use it to create functional programs. Still, HTML is everywhere on the Internet, so if you want to understand the Internet, you need to understand HTML first.




You may be unfamiliar with HTML's sister language, CSS. HTML controls the content that appears on a web page, but does not affect the appearance of the content.


This is where Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, come into play. The CSS language controls the layout of HTML - it defines attributes such as color, size, font and even all layouts.

CSS is also not a programming language. It is a set of rules implemented in HTML.


HTML and CSS are often used together, so I recommend learning both. Otherwise, your web page will look fine.


If you don't know how to learn coding, start with HTML and CSS. HTML and CSS are easy to learn because they don't require you to think about the math of programming languages.


Learning HTML and CSS can also seem like a no-brainer since you can easily see your code - just create a .html file and open it in your browser. Or open the website and use your browser to view the code below. This allows you to learn two languages that you use every day, in one day.



JavaScript is a programming language that turns static web pages into dynamic pages. It allows the elements on the page to move, react to user actions like clicks, and manage any functions beyond just the page itself. If you are interested in web development and have a feel for HTML and CSS, JavaScript is the next step.

Together, these three languages make up most of the web content you see. Also, JavaScript code can be easily tested in your browser.




Python is a popular programming language for beginners because of its user-friendly syntax and style. Most Python code reads like English, which helps beginners learn basic concepts like programming.


Python also has many code libraries. These are predefined functions that you can add to your code instead of writing the function yourself. With Python, you can create many different types of programs. Many introductory courses also base their work on this language.




It is another popular choice for beginner courses. It is more verbose than Python and often requires beginners to write a lot of code to achieve the same thing.


It's more work, but it's useful for understanding common concepts. With C, you'll gain skills that can be easily applied to other concise languages. 



C#, also known as C-sharp, is popular for developing video games, mobile and desktop applications, and enterprise software. C# shares the same source code with C++, but while C++ and C have many features, C# is more like Java. C# is easy to learn and there are many ways to use it. If you plan to use both C++ and C#, you may want to learn C++ first. This will make C# easier to understand and can help speed up the learning process.




Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is a general-purpose, programming-oriented language. Like Python, Java's syntax is easy for human programmers to read and understand - often complex tasks can be performed with a single command.


Java is implemented in Android mobile applications. It is another excellent foundational language with principles that can be applied to learning other languages.


Hypertext Processor (PHP) 


PHP is an open source server-side programming language for developing web applications. It makes it easy to add complex information, such as updated articles, to websites.


You can also embed this language into HTML, making it easy to add functionality to your website without the need for external files. PHP is also great for database access, which makes accessing data and storage easy.




Ruby, also known as Ruby on Rails, is a simple language useful for building automation tools, desktop applications, and software development. Ruby is another open source server-side programming language. Its framework also provides the framework for web pages, web services, and databases. This makes it a useful tool for creating web applications.

Although this language is easy to read and write, it might not be the best choice for your first programming language. This is because it is also flexible, which means it adapts to changes quickly.


The flexibility is great when you're first learning how to advance a secret service. But it can affect changes in your code as you maintain the functionality over time.




SQL is another useful language for beginners. You can use this language to update, store, and retrieve data in a database. It is also the standard language for database management systems, according to the American National Standards Institute. Learning SQL can take time if you are new to programming. That said, this language is popular with technology and data professionals, so it has a lot of importance in the workplace.



If you're learning to code to create projects for Apple devices, Swift is a great language to start with. Apple developers created this language with beginners in mind. But if your main goal is to create mobile applications for iOS devices, this should be your language of choice.


Although programmers have created many products since 2014 in Swift, you can also learn Objective-C. Developers created this language in 1980. Their team used it to build many iOS devices. It uses some C syntax, so if you have learned C or C++ before, you can start with Objective-C when you start learning.

R Programming Language 

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R.

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