The Current App Ecosystem in India - Study24x7
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The Current App Ecosystem in India

Updated on 22 August 2021
Namrata Kumari
12 min read 27 views
Updated on 22 August 2021

The skyrocketing trend of apps like gaming, news, social media, information provider app, and Fintech apps gives you an insight into the current app ecosystem in India. The graph has grown sharply during the covid situation of the year 2020-2021. We can notice the major variation in case of use of internet or broadbands along with applications on the android mobile phones. Here we will discuss a little more about the growth in the current app ecosystem in India.

A quick overview of present internet usage in our daily life


Ban on apps like Tiktok and PUBG has given birth to several similar games and video entertainment apps in the market which are being frequently downloaded and played by App users. Moreover, it is impossible to find one in the crowd who is not using applications like WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, True caller, Snapchat, Paytm. What are these? All are the support-system that acted as pillars during the times of pandemic. No matter whether it was entertainment, connectivity, chatting, or payments. It made it easy for the public to reach out the groceries, medicines, or basic necessities. It would not have been possible without the vast app ecosystem in India.


Even though the seed of the digital app ecosystem was sown long back, but tremendous growth can be seen in the past two years. The growing app ecosystem in India has become a major role player in the education sector with all the classes been conducted online. The Covid crisis acted as a catalyst became the major reason for the nurturing of the current app ecosystem in India. So, now we are growing digitally at a faster rate.

What does the survey say?

The annual report generated by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India shows a considerable increase in the percentage of use of internet broadband. The data mentioned in the survey include a percentage of all the wired subscribers, fixed wireless subscribers, and mobile device users who connect with the internet through phones or dongles

The chart below helps you see the noticeable upsurge in the germinating seed of the software and app ecosystem in India.


Year of Report

Total Broadband Subscriber in Millions (Wired Connection + Wireless connection + phone device users)

Survey 2019


Survey of 2020


Survey of 2021



A little more research on this topic will bring you the information that in 2019, 19 billion apps were downloaded, whereas, the stats say it was only 6 billion in the year 2016. Major time spent on the internet was traced to be spent on the mobile application by the users and the percentage goes high up to 93%.

India’s mobile market comprises android and iOS software. A new trend has been found in the market and that is video advertising. The marketers have set themselves on a new mission to enter the user’s brain with the help of video marketing. These lucrative marketing videos are easy to understand and thus forms the base of the current app ecosystem mushrooming in the Indian digital market.

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