How to become a topper in Class 12 Commerce? - Study24x7
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How to become a topper in Class 12 Commerce?

Updated on 14 March 2023
19 min read 306 views
Updated on 14 March 2023

Class 12th is the most important as well as the scary class in every student's life. There is a constant fear of lagging behind from their peers and the fear of not getting their preferred university. Every year many students dream of scoring good marks in class 12th as scoring the best means one step closer to your dream college. In this article, we will highlight how to study commerce easily so that you can ace your examination and become a topper.

The fear of getting low marks is most common among students of Commerce stream due to the vast syllabus, calculations, and detailed synopsis they have to deal with. Still, you may come across thousands of commerce students every year who get good grades on their boards. And you always wonder How?  

So, to score good marks all you need is to learn some smart tactics to become a topper in Commerce stream. In this article, we will provide you some tips and a study timetable that is usually followed by toppers in the past.

Daily Study Timetable for class 12 commerce

The timetable is the key to success. Every year we get to know the preparation strategy from toppers and one thing which remains the same among them is, the strict timetable they follow during their journey to success. This makes it important to you as well to prepare a time table before starting your daily study. Students can follow the daily study Timetable for class 12 commerce that will give you a plan and an idea of how to cover the syllabus in an organized way.

Commerce revolves around these 3 core subjects- Accountancy, Business studies, and Commerce so these 3 important subjects should be covered daily by students to get good grades.


Accountancy is a core subject and also one of the toughest subjects which makes it important to give it a special place in your time-table. Everyday give at least 2 hours to your accounts.

Accountancy needs regular practice thus make sure that you are giving ample time to this subject. With proper practice, you can get good grades in accountancy.


Business Studies

Business studies are the most scoring paper in your commerce stream because it is entirely theoretical. It requires proper time to learn these theories thus give at least 1 hour to this subject daily. 1 hour will be enough because theories are easy to comprehend and write. The only thing to keep in mind while attempting a business studies exam- is the presentation of the paper. Focus on writing well- structured exams with proper definitions as it can help you grab good marks.


With the vastness of the syllabus of economics, it is important to give a good amount of time to this subject as it includes theory as well as numerical. Practice numerical every day from different reference books and try to learn the concepts by heart rather than mugging up.

If a student is confused i.e they want to know how to score above 95 in 12th boards CBSE? then they must take the above strategies into consideration and they are good to go.


How to prepare for 12th board exams commerce in 1 month?

Many students get serious about boards at the last minute but with proper strategy and planning, you can get good marks even during the last month. Because last month matters the most to all whether you have just started your preparation or are already done with it. Last month is the time when revision is in full swing.

Here we are providing you some tips to prepare within a month-

Strict Timetable- Make a strict time table for 1 month. Break your entire day with the subjects to be covered. Follow a strict timetable with short breaks. Cover every subject in your timetable and spare time for revision as well.

Practice along with test- Covering syllabus is not enough as without proper test series your preparation is still not completed. The test gives you insights into your preparation especially in the commerce stream where there is more numerical work thus it is important to practice along with the test.

Do more past year question papers- Solving the past year question papers is important no matter if you have just started your preparation or are done with your syllabus. Past year papers give you a gist about the questions asked in the exam. At least give 1 hour in a day to solve past year question papers.



No matter from whichever stream you are- Do not forget that the key to becoming a topper is “smart work and not hard work thus focus more on topics that have high weightage. Learn those topics by heart and Revise them at least 4 times before the exam. Students should follow the above-mentioned preparation strategies along with the daily study timetable for class 12 commerce to ace their exams.

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