Best Reference Books for class 10 - Study24x7
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Best Reference Books for class 10

Updated on 01 December 2022
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Updated on 01 December 2022

Reference books help in getting useful information for students who aspire to prepare for their board exams. There are different reference books for various subjects. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts assessment exams for class 10th and 12th. Students concentrate on the NCERT books but they additionally require some reference books to work on their weak areas. Here we have come up with some of the Best reference books for class 10 CBSE 2020-21

Books are an important aspect of a student’s life. In the same way, these reference books are also necessary to get an overview of a specific topic. These books provide specific information regarding a particular topic which students might not find in the NCERT books. They also help in quick revision at the last moment of the exam.

Some sources of the reference books are dictionaries, encyclopaedias and many more. However, there are also many other reference books depending upon the subjects one wishes to study. Reference books are the secondary books that students must refer to. With the right reference books, a student has an advantage of gaining high marks over others. 

Best Reference Books for Class 10th CBSE 2020 – 21 

Below are some of the reference books for class 10th. Every subject is mentioned in the table with the related reference books.

  1. CBSE class 10th English Book- English Communicative By Oswaal School Books
  2. CBSE Class 10th Mathematics Book- By R.D Sharma and  R.S Agarwal
  3. CBSE Class 10th Science Books (Physics)- Principles of Physics By S. Chand Book and N.K Chowdhary, Fundamentals of Physics By Pradeep Publications
  4. Chemistry- Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur
  5. Biology- Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur, Xam Idea for Social Science – Editorial Board, S. Chand for Social Science – N.K Chowdhary, All in One Social Science CBSE Class 10th – Arihant Publications, Golden Guide for Social Science – Sudha Rastogi, S.A Siddiqui, J.P Singhal & Gulshan Rai
  6. CBSE Class 10th Hindi Book- Navyug Hindi Vyakran

The above-mentioned books are the reference books which are updated every year. Students can take help from these reference books to study a particular topic which they are not able to understand. These books are the best reference books for class 10th CBSE 2019 – 20. As stated above, these books are updated every year with minor changes. So, these books are repeatedly suggested by the schools every year i.e. 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.      

The reference books are segregated subjects – wise. Therefore, some of the best reference books for class 10th CBSE Hindi are listed below.

  1. All in One by Arihant Publications
  2. Me ‘n’ Mine
  3. Navyug Hindi Vyakran
  4. Golden Guide
  5. U-Like
  6. Oswaal Hindi Books

These are some of the best books in Hindi which the students can use for exam preparation. Since the difficulty level of this exam is ranged from easy to medium. So, students can clarify their doubts by using the above-mentioned reference books. 

Now you must be wondering, what are the best reference books for class 10th CBSE in India? Well, the above-mentioned books are some of the best reference books for class 10th CBSE in India. There are other books as well like U-Like and others. Some reference books like Pradeep Publications for science and social science are available along with the NCERT books. Therefore, these books are important for exam preparation. 

Best Book for CBSE Board Preparation

The above-mentioned books are some of the best books for exam preparation. However, there are other books as well which the students can use as their secondary option if they are not satisfied with the provided reference books.

1. Mathematics

  1. Mathematics for class 10th by R.D Sharma

2. Science

  1. Concepts of physics by HC Verma
  2. NCERT Exemplar for Class 10th science 
  3. PCM by Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur

3. Social Science

  1. CBSE Question Bank Class 10th Social Science Book (MCQs)
  2. NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Social Science (History, Civics & Geography)

Apart from all these secondary books, you must first be through with the NCERT books. NCERT books make the fundamentals clear. The above-mentioned books are some of the best reference books for class 10th CBSE 2020 – 21. But, you must first study NCERT and then study these reference books. These books are only for helping purposes so you cannot depend upon them totally. Therefore, NCERT books are the primary books and these reference books are secondary.

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