KVS New Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT & PRT Teacher Exam 2020 - Study24x7
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KVS New Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT & PRT Teacher Exam 2020

Updated on 05 October 2020
Examination Guide
7 min read 139 views
Updated on 05 October 2020

Hello candidates, as we all know, KV Sangathan has issued 8339 posts for recruitment notice of teaching staff. The total number of vacancies offered for the recruitment of TGTs is 1,900. Kendria Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) will be accepting applications for the positions of Postgraduate Teachers (PGTs) and Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs), and Primary Teacher (PRT). KVS Exam pattern and syllabus is the most important thing that candidates need to know so that they can do the preparation accordingly. In this article, we will discuss about KVS exam pattern for various teaching posts.

KVS Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT & PRT 2020

1.  KVS PGT Teacher Exam Pattern

2.  KVS TGT Teacher Exam Pattern

The written test will consist of a single paper (English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Sciences) and a separate paper for the primary teacher.

3.  KVS PRT Teacher Exam Pattern

Exam Syllabus for KVS TGT, PGT & PRT 2020

Check KVS TGT PGT Hindi Syllabus:

  1. Translation of sentence
  2. Plural
  3. Fill in the blanks
  4. The phrase
  5. Error detection

KVS TGT/PGT Reasoning Syllabus 2020:

  1. Puzzle tabulation
  2. Ranking / direction
  3. Seating arrangements
  4. Decoding and coding
  5. Input Output
  6. Alphanumeric series
  7. Alphabet test
  8. Coded inequality
  9. Data sufficiency

English syllabus for KVS TGT/PGT:

  1. Verb agreement
  2. Synonyms
  3. Word formation
  4. Sentence completion
  5. Grammar
  6. Antonyms
  7. Passage
  8. Also conclusion
  9. Correction of mistakes
  10. Idioms and phrases too
  11. Fill in the blanks
  12. Adverbs and adjectives
  13. Article

KVS Syllabus for Numerical Ability Exam 2020:

  1. Heights and distances
  2. Problems of the Ages
  3. HCF and LCM
  4. Mensuration
  5. Simplification
  6. Mixtures
  7. Probability
  8. Line graphs
  9. Time and work
  10. Number system
  11. Permutation and combination
  12. Simple and mixed interest
  13. Time and distance
  14. Problems on trains
  15. Decimal
  16. Percentages
  17. Volume and surface area


Along with KVS exam guide, candidates should remember some important points which are mentioned below.

  1. The interview will be of 60 marks.
  2. The list of final results will be determined based on the candidates ’written test and interview performance.
  3. The weightage of the written test and interview is 85:15.

How to download KVS TGT / PGT exam pattern 2020 in PDF format?

  1. First visit the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - kvsangathan.nic.in
  2. Go to KVS news portal.
  3. Find here for the KVS Exam Pattern (TGT/PGT) 2020 link.
  4. Once you find the link, click on it.
  5. KVS TGT / PGT 2020 Exam Syllabus PDF will get opened in a new tab.
  6. KVS Syllabus 2020 can be printed and saved/downloaded in PDF format.

Eligibility Criteria for KVS 2020 exam:

Along with the thorough knowledge of KVS exam pattern, candidates should also take a look at the eligibility criteria for KVS. The Eligibility Criteria for KVS PGT Exam 2020 is as follows:

  1. Two-year postgraduate M.Sc./MA degree, with total 50% marks in the relevant subject. OR
  2. A master’s degree from a reputable university with a total score of at least 50% in the relevant disciplines.
  3. B.Ed. or the equivalent qualification from a recognized university,
  4. Ability to teach in Hindi and English languages.

Eligibility Criteria for KVS TGT exam:

  1. A four-year integrated degree, with at least 50% marks in the relevant subject and in total. OR
  2. A bachelor’s degree with 50% marks from recognized university
  3. B.Ed. or the equivalent from a recognized university.
  4. Must pass the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET Paper-II) conducted by CBSE.
  5. Ability to teach in Hindi and English language.

Eligibility Criteria for KVS PRT exam:

  1. A high school student who has scored at least 50% marks and has passed the two-year diploma (or equivalent)
  2. Senior secondary student with at least 50% marks and has passed a 4-year bachelor’s degree (B.El.Ed). OR
  3. Graduation with at least 50% marks in B.Ed
  4. The candidate needs to clear CTET paper 1, conducted by CBSE.
  5. Ability to teach in Hindi and English language.

This was the complete exam pattern and exam guide of KVS exam that includes various teaching posts. Note that candidates should also know the complete KVS exam analysis to get a clear idea about the previous KVS exams. Good luck to all the aspirants!

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