What are the data types and how many types of it?
In programming, data types are declarations for variables. This determines the type and size of data associated with variables.
In JAVA, Data types in two groups:-
1.Primitive data types :-
Byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean
2.Non-primitive data types :-
string, arrays, class
Data Type in C++
1.User derived Data Type- Structure, Union, Enum
2.Built in Data Type- int, char, float, double Boolean, void, wide character
3.Derived Data Type- Array, Function, Pointer
Size and Range of Data Types in C
Type | Size(bits) | Range |
Char or signed char | 8 | -128 to 127 |
Unsigned char | 8 | 0 to 255 |
Int or signed int | 16 | -32,768 to 32,767 |
Unsigned int | 16 | 0 to 65535 |
Float | 32 | 3.4E -38 to 3.4E +38 |
Double | 64 | 1.7E – 308 to 1.7E + 4932 |
Integer Data Type:-
Integers are whole numbers with a range of values. It represented by int. In C, There are three classes of integers storage, that are short int, int and long int in both signed and unsigned forms
Commas, decimals and special signs not allowed.
VALID | 0 | 5 | -10 | +24 | 1000 | +47 |
INVALID | $4567 | 2.4 | 1,456 | 9. | 1,789.50 | 9,567,560 |
int num = 100;
The char data type is used to store a single character. Characters are usually stored in 8 bits (1 byte) of internal storage. The character represented by single quotes, like 'A' or 'd'
Floating point numbers are defined by keyword float
float num = 1.789;
double num = 10008.90898;
void type
It has no value. This is usually used to specify the type of functions. The type of the function is to be void
DATA TYPES and VARIABLES declaration in C
int a = 4000; // positive integer data type
float b = 5.789; // float data type
char c = 'p'; // char data type
long d = 41657; // long positive integer data type
int e = -185; // -ve integer data type
double f = 4.1234567890; // double float data type
float g = -3.55; // float data type
User-Defined Data Types:
These data types are defined by user itself. Like, defining a class in C++ or a structure. In C++ there are different user defined data types:
·Typedef defined DataType
In C , Some examples of type definition are:-
typedef int units;
typedef float marks;
Here, units symbolizes int and marks symbolizes float. They can be later used to declare variables:-
units batch1, batch2;
marks name1[50], name2[50];
Another user defined data type is enumerated data type :-
Enum identifier {value1, value2,…valuen};
Derived Data Type-
Array, Function, Pointer
Data Types | Description |
Arrays | Arrays are sequences of data items having homogeneous values. They have adjacent memory locations to store values. |
Pointers | In C , which are used to access the memory and deal with addresses. |