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Geography part for MPPSC 2020

UPSC & State PSC Published on 15 February 2020

Now, as the MPPSC exams are coming very soon, the students are trying to search the essential topics. All the topics related to English or the general ability was a little bit easier than social science as there are a lot of things that one has to cover in social science for MPPSC 2020.

One has to read about the history, economic geography, and other things. Therefore we have tried to provide a list of a few topics from which one can revise for the exams. These topics could help you to work and review on the last date.

The geographical questions

There are many things that one has to cover under geography, and few of them are mentioned below:

We have to cover all the topics related to physical and human Indian geography. 

General geography of the world:

  • One has to learn about the basic concepts of Geography along with the universe. There are many concepts related to geography in India.

  • After the solar system, the latitude, longitudes, and the standard time are also related to Geography. They come under the section of World geography.

  • After this, one has to read about the Earth and the changes along with their compositions.

  • These are the essential topics of general geography and the physical one.


Food & vegetation:

  • After this, one has to read about the Seasons of India and how they are affecting the climate. The climatic changes from the last few years are the biggest topic to cover for this exam.

  • One has to read about the thermal theory of monsoon and equilateral westerly theory.

  • Even they are the onset of monsoon, and the withdrawal carries a big part.

  • Distribution of the rainfall and how it is covering different areas of India is fascinating.

  • Students will get a chance to read about India thoroughly and would be amazed to know the different things.


The economic geography of India:

  • Industrial regions in India, along with their working, are exciting.

  • There are power resources in India who are working for the people day and night.

  • The power resources under plants are helping the people to live their life comfortably.

  • Even they are affecting the geography of India a lot in a good or bad way.

Therefore we have discussed many topics, and one can read about them briefly on the internet. While studying all the questions, keep making the notes side by side; it will help you with the revise. One can get short notes or definitions from Google or online websites.

Now we have tried to explain the geographical questions that will come in the exam. There are many other sub-topics in these questions, but one has to cover the above appropriately mentioned.


If you have any other queries regarding MPPSC 2020 Exam than, leave the comment so that our professor right answer. We have experts sitting over here war trying to answer all the questions. Latest know all the questions we will try to make separate detail questions and subtopics for them.

All The Best To All The MPPSC Aspirants !