Liver transplant cost in India

tanmay bhatt Published on 02 January 2023

Liver transplant surgery is done to remove the diseased or dysfunctional liver, replacing it with a new healthy one. Liver can be taken either from a living or a deceased donor. With a waiting list of recipients greatly exceeding from that of the donors is the reason why liver transplant is not that common and even expensive.

Liver transplant is only performed on the patients who are at the end stage of some chronic liver disease or have suffered with sudden liver failure due to some underlying reasons.

Some of the most common symptoms of liver disease are mentioned below -

Fatigue and weakness
Nausea and loss of appetite
Muscle and weight loss
Black stools and vomiting
Problems with blood clotting
Confusion and forgetfulness
Build up of fluids in the abdomen

Learn More About - Liver transplant cost in India