BLOGGING: A perfect tool to stay in the promising, profit zone and it's benefits

The world of media and journal Published on 07 July 2020


A blog is an online journal or descriptive site displaying information with the latest post showing first. It is a piece of writing by a writer or a group of them to share their opinions, views, ideas on a particular subject. It is basically informative, entertaining and substantial. In earlier times, a blog was more of a personal diary shared online. Today there are 600 million blogs on the web. It is a short form of weblog. Weblog is a term used to describe websites that keep an updated chronicle of information.

A blog can have a diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites in a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs can be personal to political and can focus on one or a range of subjects. Many blogs focus on a particular topic while some give links to other sites. And some others are more like personal diaries and journals giving a piece of mind of the author’s daily life and thoughts.

Most of the blogs though tend to have some things in common. All blogs have a main content area with articles listed chronologically with the most recent blog coming first. And often the articles are organized into categories. All of them also have a place to leave comments on the articles and a list of links to other related sites called a blogroll, one or more feeds like RSS, atom or RDF files.


A blogger is a person who owns or maintains a blog. He/she posts new articles or posts, relevant information sharing up-to-date news, opinions and case studies etc. These entries are called blog posts.

On a blog, the content consists of articles or posts or entries that the author writes. Mostly bloggers compose their articles on a web-based interface, built into the blogging system itself. Blogs are basically simplified websites that just can be created and published by anyone. Today, in a digitized world blogging has become a very fun and interesting activity which can be monetized too. Nowadays blogs can be for businesses, news, networking and other professional requirements. And there are also personal blogs.


A website is made up of many pages linked together by a home page. They are divided into logical sections and visitors can navigate systematically. A blog on the other hand is more of a frequent and timely phenomenon.


A blog consists of a series of posts made by one or more bloggers. The posts appear in reverse chronological order with the most recent post at the top. All posts are archived and are sorted into categories. Blogs can focus on a single topic or have a wide range of themes and ideas. One can create a blog on every possible niche subject under the sun. Some blogs are made only for fun and to share their opinion, ideas and views or to give a piece of their minds. But niche blogs focus on a specific topic, have a wide range to explore.


Blogging is one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness and also gives relevant and useful content to the audience. All the businesses in the world operate in a constantly changing picture of technology and consumer demands. Now it has become increasingly important for any business to have a strong web presence and produce engaging content to put their message forwards in the best possible way. Blogging is an inexpensive way for big and small businesses to drive traffic to their site, enhance inbound marketing and attract more and more customers.

Blogging gives an exceptional boost to SEO. When a business creates blog posts consistently they provide Google, Bing, Yahoo fresh content to index. It is also an opportunity for businesses to insert relevant keywords that consumers will use to search for relevant products and services. Blogging provides total customer engagement as it is a very important element of online marketing and branding.

Blogging gives the opportunity for the businesses to connect with it’s existing and potential customers in a more friendly and conversational way. It is also a great way to build trust with the target audience by providing high quality content. It also gives a chance of interaction between both the parties. With a comment section visitors can comment their responses about the product or service they got from the company and it can be tracked by the company well. It helps in building trust and goodwill.

Blogging helps to establish a business as an industry leader. It does not matter whether a business is big or small but by providing valuable and expert-hand content the customers get to believe more on it's services and there don’t develop trust issues. If a blogger constantly writes informative blogs, it makes him the ‘go-to’ person leading to higher conversion rates.

It also helps in brand awareness as it shows the personal side of the business. The brand message by blogging engages existing and new customers in a way which is not possible by outbound marketing methods.

By blogging the blogger can share his/her links with other readers. It creates a potential for viral traffic and market growth. As there are many sharing platforms visitors can share the direct link to the blog, tweet it or email it to a friend.

When it comes to the balanced, steady and profitable working of businesses then blogging is a must. It has all that takes to take your business to a new high. Without blogging backing your business you are lacking something very important at the roots. Blogging is the new in-thing that’s here to stay and give all that your business needs efficiently.