Mobile Commerce and Security - Study24x7
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Mobile Commerce and Security
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Mobile Commerce and Security

1.Generations of mobile computing, Spectrum allocation, Standard Bodies, Players in the Wireless Space, three tier architecture of mobile computing, Mobile Computing through Internet 2.Basic cellular system, concept of frequency reuse channels, hand-off mechanism, cell splitting 3.GSM features and Architecture, Network Aspects in GSM ,GSM Frequency...

5.0  (500 Ratings) 643 Learner
validy img Validity Unlimited
level Beginner Level
level English
cover Img Preview not available
Program Fee

About This Course

1.Generations of mobile computing, Spectrum allocation, Standard Bodies, Players in the Wireless Space, three tier architecture of mobile computing, Mobile Computing through Internet 2.Basic cellular system, concept of frequency reuse channels, hand-off mechanism, cell splitting 3.GSM features and Architecture, Network Aspects in GSM ,GSM Frequency...

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Review & Ratings


Avnit Kumar

28 Feb 2019 04:36 PM

Good and first course I enrolled for