5 Ways to Personalize Your Event Registration Process - Study24x7
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5 Ways to Personalize Your Event Registration Process

Updated on 03 June 2020
Event Management
6 min read 0 views
Updated on 03 June 2020

When crafting an easy and smooth registration process, it’s all about the experience. Here are some ways you can make the ticket purchasing process more personal and capture event sales. 

1. An effective event page for ticket purchases :-

It all starts at the event page. that can be the reason visitors are deferred from purchasing tickets.

It’s the little things that count.

Your registration should be as simplified as possible, you shouldn’t be making your guests do any extra work.

No additional steps just basic contact information, what ticket types they want, final disclaimers and a quick checkout! 


 2. Multiple ticketing options and packages:-

People are more inclined to buy tickets to your event if they have more options. Unconsciously, humans translate having a choice, to mean more control or power.

So giving your guests the power of choice allows them to feel more comfortable when purchasing tickets.

What do they want?

Make this time all about them and their needs.

The more flexible you can be the better. 

Day pass, weekend, VIP, there are a variety of custom packages you can have to make guests feel special.

This also goes for your payment options.

 3. Offer coupon codes and discounts:-

Everyone loves a great deal and coupon codes are hard to resist.

Offer coupon codes on social media, your main website, or even on traditional printed publications such as flyers, newspapers, and bulletins to get people interested in your event.

Here are some benefits to offering these discounts: 

1. Attracts new customers and builds loyalty

2. Makes registration easier for both parties 

3. Saves money on marketing 


4. Customized nots, terms and conditions:-

Make the service ticketing system more personalized by including a custom note after they make the purchase or register for an event.

This note can be sent immediately via email or appear directly on the landing page afterwards. You can even have a thank you note ready at the registration area when they arrive at the event.

Doing this personalizes the experience for them and lets them know they are special. 

We also recommend including your custom terms and conditions specific to the event so they understand the rules and regulations before attending. 


 5. Include the event sponsor's information:-

Sponsors are a vital part of any event, which is why you should make a special effort to include the event sponsor’s information on the registration material and other related media; they are paying for it.

This information or advertising can be put on the main website, registration and ticket purchasing pages, and even tagged in social media posts.

Think of it this way.

Trust is a huge aspect in gaining new customers.

If they are already loyal or familiar with your event sponsor(s) they might be more inclined to purchase tickets for that reason alone.

Make sure you make efforts to customize all aspects of your registration process to create an experience that will boost attendance and interest for all parties involved.

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