5 best niches for creating online courses in 2020! - Study24x7
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5 best niches for creating online courses in 2020!

Updated on 25 May 2020
6 min read 9 views
Updated on 25 May 2020

Online course industry is thriving as a market of infinite growth potential. If you have decided to become a part of this growing success and launch your very own online courses, then you are on a right track. If you haven’t already started and still looking out for ideas then here we have provided a comprehensive list of best 5 niches on which you can create and successfully sell online course in 2020. 

This list will help you pick up a course topic to start with. All of the topics have been compiled on the analysis of high demand with low competition. So, either you can select a topic or just get inspired with it to create your original idea. 

So let’s begin with exploring the 5 best niches for creating online courses in 2020-

1. Business and Entrepreneurship 

India is recently witnessing a boom in budding entrepreneurs and majority of the youth is exploring the idea of turning their hobbies into self-proclaimed business. With a high demand in this domain, business and entrepreneurship is one of the top niches on which online course can be created.  

If you have the experience of establishing your own start up or you have achieved a mark as a flourished businessman then you should definitely take this opportunity to enlighten others. Take advantage of a free online course website in India like Study24x7 that gives you a customized interface to create online courses as and when you want.

You can pick up following ideas to a create a course under this niche-

  1. How to earn income from home?
  2. Required mindset for business growth 
  3. Amazon FBA
  4. Affiliate marketing
  5. Blogging
  6. Freelancing
  7. E-commerce 

2. Computers and Technology

This is the era of digitization where technology is all around which makes it a necessity to be proficient in operating various tech forms. Technology is undoubtedly a vast subject with numerous bifurcations and streams. Here you need to decide what interests you most in technology and that can be your course topic.

For further help you can pick up from one of these ideas-

  1. How to build a website?
  2. Machine learning/AI
  3. App development 
  4. Basic/ advance learning on operating gadgets 
  5. Cyber security
  6. Robotics

3. Education

You can create an online course on how to create an online course! Sounds interesting, right?

If you have been successful in launching an online course and have gained significant experience during your journey, then you can teach others also how to go about it. Every second person is interested in creating an online course but what stops them is the lack of experience and guidance. You can help them to share their knowledge and earn from it. 

Following ideas can be covered under this niche- 

  1. How to create an online course?
  2. How to start an online coaching business?
  3. Presentation skills
  4. Media training
  5. How to teach English?
  6. Instructional design

4. Writing and content creation

“Content is the king” indeed it is! 

If you excel at content creation and writing then you should definitely opt for sharing your expertise with others who are lacking at it. Anything and everything that you see online is driven with the power of content which has increased the demand of copywriters, content writers and content managers. 

Best ideas to create online courses on content creation niche are-


  1. Content marketing
  2. Blogging
  3. Book writing and publishing
  4. Podcast creation
  5. Writing website copy
  6. Fiction writing and story telling
  7. Search engine marketing


5. Entertainment 


Entertainment sector is growing by everyday making it a huge genre. That time is long gone when entertainment was limited to dramas and movies. In this digital era people are consuming different version of entertainment which has got no bounds.


YouTube has become a big trend where people create their videos and wait for it to come to fame. Also, we are witnessing a spike in meme pages on Facebook… which are all different forms of entertainment.

People are mostly driven towards things that can give them instant fame and this is the reason why this young generation wants to desperately learn how to create this sort of media. Your course can include sections such as content production, distribution and planning. 

Some course topic ideas that you can pick in this niche are-


  1. Video production and editing
  2. Film making and Cinematography
  3. Phone photography
  4. YouTube marketing
  5. Whiteboard animation
  6. Facebook and Instagram marketing
  7. Live streaming
  8. Video marketing
  9. Personal branding




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