Examine the linkages between the 19th century‘ Indian Rena - Study24x7
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Examine the linkages between the 19th century‘ Indian Renaissance’ and the emergence of national identity - UPSC 2020

Updated on 15 February 2020
UPSC & State PSC
6 min read 1185 views
Updated on 15 February 2020


Planning for the renowned UPSC Civil Services assessment is a requesting, yet profoundly advancing experience. It is an assessment that intends to pick the best ability for a vocation in broad daylight administrations of the Union of India.

UPSC 2020 vacancy civil services for various posts are posted on the official website and also in related sites. Aspirants can scroll on those websites for their reference.

Wannabes who start this excursion, normally wind up having numerous inquiries and barely any answers. They are for the most part in a scan for the best IAS training study material.

Candidates can check the questions asked in the previous year’s UPSC Mains History paper for better IAS Exam preparation.

Let us find the solution to the following question.

Examine the linkages between the 19th century‘ Indian Renaissance’ and the emergence of national identity.


What is the Indian renaissance?

The social and religious movements, of the 19th century is popularly termed as the Indian renaissance. They preceded the political struggles, are considered a necessary precursor to the coming of nationalism.

What was the situation prior to the Indian renaissance?

India in the 19th century was caught in a vicious web created by religious superstitions and fragmented society. In such times Socio- religious reform movements played a major role in the emergence of national identity.

Their positive impact was

  • Cultural pride
  • Modernization vs Westernisation
  • Upliftment of vulnerable section of society
  • Raja ram Mohan Roy
  • Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar
  • Vivekananda
  • Justice movement
  • self- respect movement
  • Temple entry movement

Their negative impact was

  • Division of Hindus and Muslim
  • Mysticism in the name of the greatness of past
  • Revivalist tendencies
  • Narrow social base
  • Ahmadiyya movement
  • Dharma Sabha

Linkage among renaissance and national personality:


  • created a national arousing among masses. Indians understood their rich history and invested heavily in their culture. This fashioned a national personality


  • Ram Mohan Roy and Vidyasagar energetically upheld against standing framework and mistreatment against women(Sati, youngster marriage). Ladies understood their correct full spot, henceforth cutting a personality for themselves.


  • promotion of logical and sound viewpoint made inclination freedom and patriotism.


  • The development gave the up and coming working-class social roots and diminished the feeling of mortification that the British forces had made.


The thoughts and exercises of the learned people were straightforwardly or by implication identified with the assignment of country building and national reconstruction. In a way, it was blocked to patriotism and a national personality.




  • How relevant is the study of 19th-century reforms in today’s India
  • The continuous struggle for imbibing nationalism
  • New challenges to National Identity
  • The fruits and undesirable byproducts of Indian renaissance, both have become part of the daily existence of Today’s India. So, it is vital to study the reforms of the 19th century to study Today’s Indian society.
  • Even in this 21st century, India is yet to fully achieve the ideals of Humanism, Universalism and Rationalism. Continuous Reforms in society and religion will strengthen the National identity among the masses.
  • Misinformation/superstition in the age of the Internet presents a new challenge to Nationalism and national identity. The positive elements of the 19th century can act as guiding light.


All the Best To UPSC 2020 Aspirants !

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