Pedagogy and teaching methods for educators - Study24x7
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Pedagogy and teaching methods for educators

Updated on 24 March 2023
23 min read 120 views
Updated on 24 March 2023

Pedagogy is a method or technique of teaching any conceptual topic or field of study. It comes from the Greek word "pedagogue," which means "the art of teaching children." In layman's terms, it refers to the method and practice of teaching, which includes theory, teaching methods, feedback, and assessment. A teacher delivers a lecture that incorporates useful practice sessions and interacting ways of knowledge transmission of theoretical concepts and subject matter to ensure an effective learning process. Pedagogy assists teachers in understanding how to facilitate learning. In the interest of honing your knowledge and abilities as a teacher, academic institutions should prioritize pedagogy.

The Value of Pedagogy

Pedagogy is critical in developing efficient learning strategies and techniques. Examine the following essential pedagogical benefits:

  1. It contributes to better teaching and learning.
  2. It helps both pupils as well as educators gain a thorough understanding of essential material.
  3. Good teaching can guide students to learn more deeply.
  4. Pedagogy improves the student-teacher relationship as well.

Approaches to Pedagogy

Now that you understand its meaning and characteristics, let us look at the multiple aspects of Pedagogy. We can divide social constructivism into four broad categories: constructivism, behaviorism, collaboration, and liberationism.


Learning is centered on the teacher in Behaviourism. This approach assumes that the educator is the sole decision maker in a classroom lecture. This approach is commonly regarded as the traditional method of teaching. It is important to note that renowned theorists such as Thorndike in 1911, Pavlov in 1927, and Skinner in 1957 thoroughly detailed the behaviorism approach in pedagogy. Furthermore, it states that knowledge should be distributed through a proper syllabus in which each topic is taught rather than topic-based learning.


This is another pedagogical approach studied by renowned thinker Piaget in the late 20th century century. It refers to how people understand from their experiences and reflections. It is a pupil-centered approach to learning that is often referred to as 'invisible pedagogy.' This method incorporates project work, inquiry-based learning, and various methods such as Montessori or Steiner. Constructivism essentially discusses the role of teachers in creating activities to facilitate learning, whether it is physical education or conceptual or figurative learning for older children. Furthermore, this methodology deals with undertaking a lesson outside and interacting with nature in hopes of creating an environment outside of the classroom's four walls.

Constructivism in Social Relations

Lev Vygotsky, a well-known cognitive psychologist, pioneered the social constructivism approach by endorsing Piaget's Constructivism. This method combines teacher-guided and student-centered pedagogy. He argued against Piaget's approach, which states that ideal learning can occur in a social context. Lev believes that successful education and instruction is a two-way street, involving interaction among both students and teachers. He goes on to say that teachers should involve students in various interactions, processes, modeling, questioning, and so on.

Pedagogical Types

The following are the various types of Pedagogy:

  1. Social pedagogy's goal is to support students to grow their social intelligence and overall well-being. Moral education and value education are critical.

  1. Critical pedagogy aims to explain and deconstruct multiple issues and problems that occur in everyday life. It encourages the student to dig deeper and try to understand their views and opinions on a specific topic.

  1. Effective Teaching Pedagogy: This approach seeks to account for students' cultural diversity. It helps students understand cultural differences and brings visibility of such distinctions in the classroom.

  1. Socratic pedagogy inspires students to learn from sources other than what is instructed to them. This helps students come up with new ways to solve issues.

Methods of Pedagogy

Pedagogy has assisted students and teachers in discovering novel and effective methods of enabling learning and teaching. Let us examine the various pedagogical approaches.

  1. A Teacher-Centered Approach to Education
  2. A Student-Centered Approach to Education
  3. A High-Tech Approach to Learning (Hi-tech)
  4. A Low-Tech Approach to Learning (Low-tech)

There are two types of methods: teacher-centric methods and student-centric strategies.

A Teacher-Centered Approach to Education

  1. Specific Instruction
  2. Specific Instruction
  3. Learning Through Motion

A Student-Centered Approach to Education

  1. Instructional Differentiation
  2. Inquiry-based Education
  3. Exploratory Learning
  4. Personalized Education
  5. Game-Based Education

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. What are the pedagogical teaching methods?

Image result for Educators' Teaching Methods and Pedagogy

The 5 different pedagogical approaches are the social constructivism approach, the interactive approach, the introspective approach, the integrative method, and the inquiry-based approach.

  1. In B Ed, what does pedagogy mean?

Pedagogy refers to the method of teaching people, whether it is theory or practice. It is a connection between culture and learning techniques. The primary goal of pedagogy is to create on students' prior knowledge and work on the growth of their abilities and attitudes.

  1. In pedagogy, what is a syllabus?

A syllabus is a required document for teachers because it outlines the fundamental elements of a course, such as what concepts will be covered, a weekly timetable, and a collection of assessments, tasks, and their affiliated weightings.

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