What is the KVPY Exam? - Study24x7
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What is the KVPY Exam?

Updated on 12 November 2022
Solving Papers
4 min read 5 views
Updated on 12 November 2022

In this Blog, we are providing the Last 10 years’ KVPY Previous Year Question Papers with Downloadable PDFs. With the help of this KVPY Previous year Question Papers can you easily Analysis your Preparation Level and also Understand the Difficulty Level From Previous Year Question Papers.

The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, administers a scholarship programme called the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY). For students in Class IX through the first year of any undergraduate degree, the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) administers the KVPY exam in an effort to detect and foster students’ interest in science. Students can access the KVPY past year papers from this link or the official website.

KVPY has a challenging level, but with the right preparation, you can easily successfully complete it. Despite the exam’s extremely high difficulty level, some pupils manage to pass it. Since the KVPY Exam has no constraints on the sections or topics of the essays, students who take it must obtain a minimum proportion of marks.

Source by: https://www.solvingpapers.com/

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