How Much Does It Cost to Develop a P2P Payment App Like Venm - Study24x7
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How Much Does It Cost to Develop a P2P Payment App Like Venmo?

Updated on 11 November 2022
Eliana Ward
3 min read 7 views
Updated on 11 November 2022

The feature set and security measures that a Venmo like application requires, puts it in the category of a high complexity app. 

Now while there are still a number of other things to be considered when deciding on the Venmo like app development cost, it is possible to give a rough ballpark range on the basis of the features set mentioned above. 

In case your feature set is specific to the ones mentioned above, the answer to what is the cost to create best cash apps similar to Venmo will come down to something like USD 100K and USD 150K. 

Although the range is on the higher end, as the app’s complexity demands, the rate of return is considerably higher. 

Especially when you keep Venmo’s monetization model into consideration

Learn - More about cost to develop Duolingo like app

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