Learn All About CBSE Class 12 - Radioactive waste and Pollut - Study24x7
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Learn All About CBSE Class 12 - Radioactive waste and Pollution.

Updated on 01 March 2023
Edubabble LLP
18 min read 13 views
Updated on 01 March 2023

Radioactive waste is toxic waste that contains radioactive elements and is released into the environment. Radiation pollution is usually caused by by-products of nuclear technology procedures used in factories. These can be toxic to living things and are commonly expelled from medical laboratories and power facilities. Uranium, radon, potassium, and other elements can be harmful when combined with other environmental components.

What is Radioactive Pollution?

It's when radioactive elements in the air or water pollute the environment. If these radioactive wastes are not disposed of properly, they might result in harmful and life-threatening circumstances. Nuclear pollution can have serious consequences and cause a variety of diseases in humans and animals.

Management of Nuclear Waste

Exposure to radioactive wastes at levels higher than the natural background can be dangerous to one's health. Exposure to high-level harmful byproducts can cause cancer, birth deformities, as well as other such problems. Within every border, the government is responsible for the proper handling of waste. Acquisition, transportation, management, and discharge of trash are all part of the waste management framework.

Pollution from Radioactive Waste

The environmental damage to water and air generated by radioactive elements is known as radioactive pollution. It is possible to cause life-threatening emissions if radioactive waste is not disposed of properly. For instance, the first atomic bomb, which exploded during World War II, had far-reaching repercussions. Fauna and flora were utterly destroyed. The radioactivity caused by the explosion damaged or killed nearly 30 percent of the population, and another 30 percent was severely hurt. Even after these findings, the nuclear race between various nations continues, resulting in radiation pollution.

Radioactive Waste Types 

  1. Very low-level waste and Low-Level Waste

The least hazardous wastes are referred to as very low-level waste (VLLW). VLLW examples involve demolished materials such as concrete, plaster, brick, metals, valves, piping, and so on that may have been produced during restoration or demolition works.

Low-level wastes: These are typically generated by wastes emitted by hospitals and industries. They are made of paper, rags, tools, clothes, cotton, filters, and other materials that contain short-lived radioactivity. Before landfilling, it is combusted or burned.

  1. Middle-level waste

This type of waste has a high level of radioactive substances and must be buried. They are made up of chemical sludge, metal fuel, and polymers. Non-solids are occasionally converted to bitumen for discretion.

  1. High-Grade Waste

It is produced by the ignition of uranium fuel in a nuclear plant. They are extremely hazardous and extremely hot, necessitating cooling and shielding.

France, the United Kingdom, and Russia all have large reprocessing plants capable of processing around 5000 tonnes of waste per year. India is analyzing and considering safe waste disposal into rivers or on land. To reduce the effects of radioactive elements, the government is taking steps to contain the waste.

Radioactive Pollution Minimization

Once you understand what radioactive pollution is, you must seek prevention and control. Continue reading to learn how to minimize the levels of radioactive pollution.

  1. It is never a good idea to bring radioactive waste with non-radioactive toxic elements.
  2. Order radioactive elements in limited quantities as needed.
  3. Create a process that aids the radioactive pollution by removing toxic waste.
  4. Before disposal, use solvents as they can reduce the toxic effects and volume of waste.
  5. Replace radioactive materials with radioactive elements that have a half-life.

3 Basic - MCQ & Answers on radioactive pollution- CBSE class 12 Biology


  1. Which of the following issues arises as a result of using nuclear power?

a. Formation of gobar gas

b. Accidental leakage

c. Generation of electricity

d. Formation of gobar gas

ANS- b

2. Which problem arises when using nuclear energy?

a. Composting formation

b. Radioactive waste disposal

c. Electricity generation

d. Gobar gas formation

 ANS-  b

3. Which one of the following creates a high rate of mutation?

a. Compost

b. Radiation

c. Automobiles

d. Fertilizers

ANS- b


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