SSC CHSL Exam Guide: Eligibility, Syllabus and Preparation - Study24x7
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SSC CHSL Exam Guide: Eligibility, Syllabus and Preparation

Updated on 01 March 2023
Edubabble LLP
33 min read 20 views
Updated on 01 March 2023

If you want to serve the government of India and be in a stable yet challenging career, SSC CHSL is a great choice for you! The service consists of a variety of positions like postal assistants, data entry operators, lower division clerks, court clerks, etc. and works in a number of departments and ministries of the government.

For these posts, the Combined Higher Secondary Level-CHSL, 10+2 Exam is held every year.

SSC CHSL Eligibility Criteria:


The eligibility criteria for SSC CHSL service can be ascertained based on:


Nationality/Citizenship of applicant:

In order to be eligible, an applicant must be one of the following:

  1. A citizen of India, Nepal or Bhutan
  2. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling down in the country.
  3. A person of Indian origin who has migrated to India from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling down in the country.


Educational Qualification of applicant:

In order to be eligible, applicants must have one of the following:

  1. Be XIIth grade or equivalent pass, from a recognized Board or University.
  2. Have an open university/distance education mode degree recognized by the Distance Education Council, IGNOU.
  3. For Data Entry Operator post, the applicant must have passed XIIth grade in science stream with Mathematics as a subject, from a recognized Board.


Age limit of the applicant:

Candidates appearing for SSC CHSL should not be less than 18 years of age, and more than 27 years of age. To check, please ensure that your date of birth is not earlier than 2nd August 1992, and not later than 1st August 2001.


Relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in some cases, as given below:

  1. SC/ST: 5 years
  2. OBC: 3 years
  3. PH: 10 years
  4. PH+OBC: 13 years
  5. PH+SC/ST: 15 years


SSC CHSL Vacancy:

As per the SSC CHSL notification, total 1,269 SSC CHSL vacancies have been released for Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), 3,598 vacancies have been released for Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA) and 26 vacancies have been released for Data Entry Operator (DEO) in 2020.

Application Process:

The following steps can be taken to complete the SSC CHSL application process-

  1. Registration Completion
  2. Fill out the Application Form
  3. Scanned Image Upload
  4. Payment of the Application Fee

Registration Completion

  1. Navigate to the official website,
  2. Now, go to the Login panel and click the "New User?" button. Click the "Register Now" button.
  3. Enter all requested information, such as the applicant's name, email address, date of birth, mobile number, and password.
  4. The exam application ID will be sent to the authorized email address and mobile number after successful registration.
  5. The log-in information is the generated application Id and password. As a result, it is recommended that you keep them safe.

Fill out the SSC CHSL Application Form

  1. Log in to the panel with the application ID and password you created.
  2. It's time to fill out your personal information, such as your father's name, category, gender, nationality, and so on.
  3. Now, enter your academic information, such as graduation year, board name, marks acquired, percentage marks, and so on.
  4. Once the information has been submitted, double-check it and save it.

Scanned Image Upload

  1. After completing the preceding steps, upload the scanned images of your authorization and photograph into the provided space.
  2. Proceed to the application fee payment step after a successful upload.

Payment of the Application Fee

As of now, all application details have been completed, and the SSC CHSL application fee payment stage has begun. The fee can be paid both online and offline (via e-challan). The application fee information is provided above in this article, and the fee must be paid according to the category.

Tip: Don't forget to take a physical printout of your application form.


SSC CHSL Admit Card:


Look out for notifications for SSC CHSL admit cards. Applicants are required to take a printout of their admit cards from the official website using their Registration Number/Roll Number and Date of Birth/Password. 


Salary Structure:


The SSC CGL salary ranges from Rs.18,000 to Rs.2,50,000 (including benefits) for various posts after the 7th Pay Commission. The SSC CGL exam is one of the most popular in India, and one of the main reasons for this is the salary offered by the Commission.

Selection Procedure:

The selection procedure for the SSC CHSL exam is triple tiered. 


Tier I- Objective Test: To pass this tier, an applicant has to score more than the declared cut off in a 200 marks, 1 hour long objective exam. This exam is conducted online.

Tier II- Descriptive Test: Tier II consists of a written descriptive test. Applicants have to write an essay or application of 200-250 words, or 150-200 words, respectively. This exam is offline and candidates must score above 33% to qualify. 

Tier III- Skill Test: Based on selection of post applied for, candidates have to undergo a typing test or data entry skill test. 

Final selection is based on total score in tier I and II. Tier III is only qualifying in nature.


SSC CHSL Syllabus:

For the SSC CHSL tier I objective exam, following is the syllabus:

  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning: Alphanumeric Series, Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning, Coded Inequalities, Seating Arrangement, Tabulation, Syllogism, Puzzle, Blood Relations, Input-Output, Coding-Decoding
  2. English: Cloze test, para jumbles, reading comprehension, error spotting, multiple meanings, fill in the blanks, one word substitution, active/passive voice, paragraph completion
  3. Quantitative Ability: Profit and Loss, Mixtures and Allegations, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Surds and Indices, Simplification, Work and Time, Time and Distance, Data Interpretation, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Number Systems, Sequence and Series, Permutation, Combination and Probability
  4. General Awareness: culture, economics, geography, history, general policy, scientific research, books and authors, awards and honors. 


The following are the top ten SSC CGL preparation tips:


  1. Maintain a well-planned study schedule with adequate time allotted to each topic.
  2. A careful review of the subjects and related concepts according to the most recent SSC CGL syllabus and method is required.
  3. Have a good collection of SSC CGL preparation books and learning resources.
  4. Get both online and offline help as needed.
  5. Solving previous year's SSC CGL exam papers and creating a flow chart of the ideas
  6. Numerous training sessions and preparation for the online and offline exams are required.
  7. Improve your problem-solving strategies and create a unique SSC CGL study plan.
  8. Try to avoid careless subject preparation.
  9. Make an effort to grasp a concept completely.
  10. Long before the exams, try to clear up any subject or concept-related doubts.

SSC CGL Exam Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many times can you take the SSC CGL Exam?

Ans. There is no such limit specified anywhere for the SSC CGL exam. There are age limits based on which candidates can show up for the exam depending on their category. SSC CGL candidates must be at least 18 years old and no older than 32 years old (as on August 1, 2018). Candidates' ages as shown on their 10th and 12th grade certificates will be taken into account.

  1. Is a candidate with an electrical and electronic degree eligible for the SSC CGL?

Ans. To be eligible for the exam, a candidate must have a Bachelor's degree in any recognized university or institution, according to the SSC CGL Eligibility criteria. However, the SSC CGL qualifications vary depending on the position in the CGL. For more information, see SSC CGL Eligibility.

  1. What is the top level available in the SSC through the CGL - Combined Graduate Level Exam?

Ans. A candidate can advance to the position of Assistant Accounts Officer or Assistant Audit Officer in the SSC through the CGL examination. SSC CGL AAO is a Group "B" Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) post with a 4800 grade pay. A candidate who is selected for the AAO position will work in the Indian Audit & Financial Measures under CAG.

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