Class 12 biology: The flower and Its parts - Study24x7
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Class 12 biology: The flower and Its parts

Updated on 22 September 2022
Edubabble LLP
24 min read 574 views
Updated on 22 September 2022

A flower is the reproductive part of a plant. They are not only involved in reproduction but are also a source of food for other living things. They are a rich source of nectar.


Flowers can be 


  1. Perfect 
  2. Incomplete 

A complete flower is a flower that has sepals, petals, stamens and pistils. On the contrary, an incomplete flower is one that lacks one or more of these elements. A perfect flower has two distinct parts: 


  1. Vegetative Part 
  2. Reproductive Part


Let's take a closer look at the different parts of the flower.


Part of a flower 

The different parts of the flower are named below: 


Herbs part of the flower 

The vegetative parts of the flower include the following: 


  1. Petals: This is the shiny part that attracts bees, insects and birds. The color of fretals differs from one tree to another; Some are rising at times of purple. As a result, petals help us assume the flowers from one another.

  1. Sepals: Sepals are the green parts below the petals to protect the growing buds. Some flowers have fused petals-sepals while a few have separate petals-sepals.

Reproductive Part of the flower


In the plants, the number of petals, Sepales, stamens and pistils may vary. The presence of these parts are different or insufficient. Apart from these parts, flowers include reproductive parts - stamen and pistil. A flower may have only female parts, only male parts, or both.

The reproductive parts of the flower include the following: 


  1. Stamen: It is the male reproductive organ and is also known as Androecium.

It has two parts: anther and filaments.

Anther is a structure like a yellow bag, involved in the production and storage of pollen.

Filament is an important element, which works by supporting the anther.

  1. Pistil: It is the internal and female reproductive part of a flower which consists of three parts - stigma, style and ovary. This is called a pistil.

Stigma: This is the uppermost part or tip of the capsule in the gynoecium of the flower.

Type: This is a long, thin, tube-like tube that connects the pubis to the ovary.

Ovary: It is a ductless reproductive gland that contains many eggs. It is the part of the plant where seeds are produced. 



Along with the vegetative and reproductive parts, a flower is also composed of four whorls, which are largely responsible for the radial arrangement of a flower. A typical flower has a circular section with a common center, which can be clearly observed and distinguished from the top of the flower. There are four versions: 




The calyx is the outer part of the flower. It has sepals and small leaves below the flower. These things protect the flowers from injury and siccation. Some plants have colored sepals in the calyx and are called petaloids.

If the sepals are free, the calyx is said to be polysepalous, and if they are united, it is said to be gamosepalous.


In many flowers, the sepals fall even before the flower is fully open. These sepals are called deciduous.


In some, the sepals fall after fertilization. These sepals are called deciduous.


Permanent sepals remain until the fruiting stage.



This is the second color of the flower. It has petals that perform two main functions: 


  1. To attract pollinators.
  2. To protect the reproductive part of the flower 

The petals are bright and fragrant to attract animals and insects for pollination.The calyx and corolla are often called the perianth.

Different types of corolla are found in the flowers.


  1. Always polypetalous 
  2. Irregular polypetalous 
  3. Gamopetalous always 
  4. Irregular gamopetalous 



The stamen is also known as the third whorl of the flower and is the male reproductive organ. It consists of a filament which is a filiform structure with a circular structure on the surface. Pollen is produced from the anther which helps in the male reproductive system of the plant. Not all stamens bear fertile anthers.



The carpel is the fourth of the flowers in the center. The carpels contain the pistil, the female reproductive part of the flower. It includes the ovary, style and stigma. The egg or ovum is in the ovary. After fertilization, sometimes the ovary turns into a seed to hold the seed. At the top of the ovary is a vertical structure called the pubis. Dispersed pollen sticks to the stigma and descends to the ovary through the style. It is an explanation of the different parts of the flower. 

The work of flowers 

The important functions of flowers are mentioned below: 


  1. Gametophytes develop in flowers.
  2. Flowers can produce diaspores without fertilization. After connecting, the flower that produces fruit with fruit.
  3. The most important work of the flowers.
  4. They help in the union of male and female gametes.
  5. Flowers provide nectar to some birds and insects, which in turn help transfer pollen from flower to flower.
  6. Flowers can self-fertilize, that is the union of sperm and ovum from the same flower, or cross fertilization, that is the union of sperm and ovum from different flowers.



Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma. The process of pollination can be done through different methods.


The table mentioned below describes the different types of pollination and their pollinators.

Pollination Method with Pollinating Agent

Malacophilous by snails

Chiropterophilous by bats

Hydrophilous by water

Zoophilous by animals

Anemophilous by air

Entomophilous by insects

Ornithophilous by birds

Frequently Asked Questions 


What are the important parts of a flower?

 Important parts of flowers include: 


  1. Sepals 
  2. Petals 
  3. stamens 
  4. Pistil 


How do flowers grow? 

Flowers reproduce through a process called pollination. In this process, male gametes are transferred to female ovules where fertilization occurs and the ovules develop into seeds.

What is the reproductive part of a flower?

 Stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower while pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower. The stamen surrounds the anther and the filament. Others produce pollen grains. 

What is the herb part of the flower?

 Sepals and petals are the vegetative parts of the flower.

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