How To Write Acknowledgement For Project In School/College
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How to write an Acknowledgement for a School/College Project?

Updated on 02 August 2021
dipshika shrivastava
19 min read 5667 views
Updated on 02 August 2021

The Acknowledgement section is one of the easiest sections that you need to write while submitting your school/college project. It is a piece of content that you need to include in your project to express your gratitude towards the people who have successfully helped you accomplish your project. This kind of content is often written in a personal tone were words like ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘My’, etc are used. Many students are often confused while writing an acknowledgment for their projects. However, you need not worry as with the help of this article, you can easily become a pro in writing your project acknowledgments. 

There are certain things that you need to keep in mind when writing an acknowledgment. Take a look at some of the most important points to get started with your acknowledgment writing below. 

Content Tone & Form

The first aspect while getting started is to pay attention to the tone and form of the content. As we mentioned earlier, the tone of the content should be personal however do not go overboard with it. Make sure that your acknowledgment is clear, concise, and to the point. Do not write lengthy paragraphs or points as they may seem messy. Keep the length of the content to around half a page. You can also choose the form of acknowledgment you wish to write, i.e., in paragraphs or bullet points. Make it a point to thank each person involved in your project individually and more precisely. 

Always Start by Thanking your Teachers

After deciding your tone and form of the content, always start with the acknowledgments by thanking your teachers. Keep your project teacher (who oversees your project) on priority followed by the other teachers, supervisors, and staff who helped you finish your project with great help and valuable insights. 

Generally, the order of the acknowledgment should be as mentioned below.

  1. Project Teacher 
  2. Supervisors
  3. Other staff in your Department 
  4. technical/lab/other support staff
  5. Staff from other departments

Do not forget to add your friends & family

You must not hesitate to mention the names of your classmates/friends and family members. Express gratitude to each of your supporters, be it your close friend, classmates, or family member, mention them in your acknowledgments too. Avoid any over-personal anecdotes or jokes while writing their names. Try to make it sound informal yet professional. Note that, you need to mention the names of your friends and family after your teachers. 

Take a look at the complete order of thanking each person in your acknowledgment below

  1. Project Teacher 
  2. Supervisors
  3. Other staff in your Department 
  4. technical/lab/other support staff
  5. Staff from other departments
  6. Family 
  7. Friends 

Now that you know how to get started for writing a good acknowledgment for your project, take a look at some of the examples of acknowledgments for your understanding below. 

Example 1

I am really grateful for this project opportunity and would sincerely thank My English Teacher (Name of the teacher) for trusting me with this project. He/She has proved to be a guiding light in my entire journey and his/her valuable insight has helped me improve and make this project a success. 

Besides this, I would like to express my gratitude towards the lab/support staff to provide us with the correct equipment/gears needed to fulfill this project. 

Also, I would thank my friends and family who supported me emotionally as well as academically to complete this project without any obstacles.

Example 2

I would like to express my thanks to my Teacher (Name of the teacher) and my principal/Supervisor (Name) for giving me a great opportunity to excel in my learning through this project. 

I have achieved a good amount of knowledge through the research and the help that I got from my Project Teacher (Name of the Teacher)

Apart from this, I would like to express special thanks to my parents who have supported me and helped me out in my project despite their busy schedules. 

Example 3 

I Would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Teacher (Name of the teacher) for contributing their valuable time and efforts in helping me out with this project. Their suggestions and feedback have helped me a lot in improving the quality of the project. 

I would also like to thank my friends and family for their constant encouragement and support throughout the project. 

Lastly, I like to thank all my supporters who have motivated me to fulfill their project before the timeline.


Writing an effective and best acknowledgment is not a difficult task. You can take the help of the above-mentioned points and get started with writing a good acknowledgment for your project. Always follow the order of importance while mentioning the names of the persons involved in your project and do not forget to mention your deepest gratitude to everyone. 

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