What is the Future of Social Learning Platforms in India and - Study24x7
Social learning Network

What is the Future of Social Learning Platforms in India and how they are overcoming challenges in the Education Industry?

Updated on 17 May 2021
6 min read 11 views
Updated on 17 May 2021

Online learning has become the new normal in the education industry since the year 2020. This is due to the fact that all the schools, colleges and universities are shut amidst the coronavirus pandemic. As millions of students were impacted worldwide, the only option to continue learning was to conduct online education. Educational institutions started making use of online learning platforms to let students continue with their learning from the comfort of their homes. 

Over time, many Edtech companies started coming up with their own innovative platforms for both students and teachers to help them bridge the gap between learning and teaching. With numerous learning platforms available, one of the most beneficial platforms that are able to establish its place in the education sector is the social learning platform. 

What is a Social Learning Platform? 

A social learning network/platform is a platform wherein both students and teachers can connect and conduct their online learning and teaching regardless of time and location boundaries. The best part about this platform is that students can learn socially with their teachers and classmates. Social learning platform ensures total engagement of students in their online classes and encourages them to study better and stay focused on their learning. 

What is the Future of Social Learning Platforms in India? 

Social learning platforms have become a powerful learning tool in the education industry. The fact that it is able to engage students in their studies and keep them on their toes is the biggest advantage of this platform. 

Some Notable benefits of this Platform are as follows: 

  1. Increased Engagement Rate among Learners- When students learn online, it becomes difficult for them to stay engaged in their learning. This can be due to multiple factors such as studying alone, no interaction with teachers and peers, no proper feedback and so on. However, when students learn with the help of social learning networks/platforms they can study with their classmates and prepare for their exams together, ask for one-on-one feedback and guidance from teachers and much more. Hence, this encourages them to participate in their learning. 

  1. Gamification Techniques- Mostly students tend to enjoy their learning if it includes games and other fun-based activities. This is a win-win situation for them as they can study as well as take an active interest in their learning. With the help of gamification, students indulge in various educational games, quizzes, storytelling, etc which is quite beneficial for them to stay on track when learning online. 

  1. Collaborate with Teachers- Students who learn via these platforms can collaborate with their teachers from across the globe. They can connect and enroll in courses or access study materials that are designed by these teachers. The scope of collaboration is much wider on these platforms, which is also beneficial for teachers, unlike an online teaching platform where they can connect and teach students online. 

  1. Increased Social Skills- Social skills are very important in today’s workforce. When students learn on these platforms they interact and learn socially with their teachers and classmates. This increases their social skills which will prove quite fruitful for them in their near future. 

These benefits depict the role of social learning networks/platforms in the education industry. In the coming years, there will be more and more advancements made to these platforms. As the digital world is taking a major hit, the number of online learners will increase in the upcoming years. Hence, the future of a social learning platform is quite bright as it helps students study, stay engaged and attend their online classes without any hassle. 

Now, let’s take a look at some of the challenges that are overcome by social learning platforms in the education industry. 

Challenges Overcome by Social learning Platforms

  1. Rigid Study Schedule- When students learn offline, they need to commute and reach their physical classrooms at a particular time to attend their classes. However, this is not the case when learning on social learning network because students can attend their online classes whenever they want and that too from any location. This reduces their effort and helps them save a lot of time. 

  1. Same teaching method- When learning in a traditional classroom, teachers teach their students using the same old teaching method. However, this is not at all effective as each student has a different learning pace and style. When a student learns through social learning platforms, teachers try their best to provide customized learning to their students. This works for each one of them as the notes and teaching are customized as per their learning needs.

  1. Varieties in study materials- In traditional education, students read the same textbooks and notes over the years. This is one of the major reasons for low engagement and interest in learning. Referring to the same information becomes quite boring and monotonous for students. However, with the help of social learning networks students can access varieties of study materials. These study materials are purely informative, engaging and customized as per the need of each learner. 

  1. Improved Interaction- Students can interact with their teachers and classmates freely and ask assistance from them in their learning. Social learning platform encourages students to communicate and ask for guidance among their peers and teachers.

  1. Social Learning Platforms are Cost-Effective- The traditional education system demands lakhs of money from students for their education. However, when using social learning platforms, students can be assured to know that they can learn at a very affordable price. Online learning is very reasonable as compared to the traditional learning approach. 

To conclude, social learning networks are the way forward in the education system. With the increasing demand for online learning, students will find it extremely easy to learn on these platforms as they are engaging and encourages them to learn socially with their peers and teachers. The future of a Social learning platform is quite inevitable and so we can surely say that it will play a major role in the education industry in the coming years as well. 

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