Important biology Practical Question for class 12th biology - Study24x7
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Important biology Practical Question for class 12th biology students

Updated on 09 April 2021
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Updated on 09 April 2021

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts the examination for higher secondary classes each year. Students who are currently studying in their class 12 must be well-aware of the complete exam pattern and syllabus to ace their exams. Students must know that CBSE has reduced 30% syllabus this year and so they must carefully read the syllabus to appear for the 2021 exam. 

In this article, we will discuss some important biology practical questions for class 12 students so that they can score good marks in their biology practical exam. However, before proceeding further, students must take a look at the practical exam pattern along with the marking scheme and the experiments expected to be carried out in the examination. This will give them an edge and help them to perform better in this subject. 


Evaluation Scheme 


One Major Experiement 5,6


One Minor Experiement 2,3


Slide Preparation 1,4




Practical Record + Viva Voce (Credit to the student’s work over the academic session may be given)


Investigatory project and its 

Project and its Record + Viva Voce (Credit to the student’s work over the academic session may be given)





Part A: List of experiments 

1. Prepare a temporary mount to observe pollen germination. 

2. Collect and study soil from at least two different sites and study its texture, moisture content, pH and water holding capacity. Correlated with the kinds of plants found in them. 

3. Collect water from two different water bodies around you and study them for pH, clarity and presence of any living organism.

4. Prepare a temporary onion root tip to study mitosis. 

5. Study the effect of different temperatures or three different pH on the activity of salivary amylase on starch. 

6. Isolate DNA from available plan material such as spinach, green pea seeds, papaya, etc. 

Part B: Study/Observation of the following (Spotting) 

1. Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (winds, insects and birds)

2. Identification of stages of gamete development i.e T.S of testis and T.S of ovaries through permanent slides (grasshopper/mice) 

3. Meiosis in onion bud cell or grasshopper testis through permanent slides

4. T.S of blastula through permanent slides (Mammalian). 

5. Prepared pedigree charts of any one of the genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, ear lobes, widow’s peak and color blindness. 

6. Common disease causing organism like Ascaris, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, any fungus causing ringworm through permanent slides, models, or virtual images. Comment on the synopsis of the disease that they cause. 

7. Two plants and Two animals ( models/virtual images) found in xeric conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations. 

8. Two plants and two animals (models/virtual images) found in aquatic conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations.


Students must refer to the below-mentioned questions that can come in their practical examination. These questions are mostly asked by the examiners during the viva so students must prepare accordingly. 

  1. What is a pollen grain?
  2. What is the shape of the pollen grain?
  3. What are enzymes?
  4. Define mitosis
  5. Why is mitosis called somatic cell division?
  6. What are pollutants?
  7. Which kind of soil is best suited for plant growth?
  8. What is hummus?
  9. What determines the PH of the soil?
  10.  What is a tectum?
  11. What is pollination?
  12. Which part of the flower contains pollen?
  13. What is the male part of the flower called?
  14. What happens to the generative nucleus in the pollen tube of a germinating pollen grain?
  15. The female gamete is produced by?
  16. How is soil important to organisms?
  17. What do you mean by soil texture?
  18.  Which type of soil is suitable for plant growth?
  19. What are the different types of soil?
  20. Mention some of the main components of soil
  21. What is the term used to describe the scientific study of soil?
  22. What pH range favors the best plant growth?
  23. What do you mean by the term ‘buffer’?
  24. How does water get polluted?
  25. What is the pH of tap water?
  26. Define pollution
  27. Define pollutant
  28. Name few sources of water pollution
  29. Define BOD
  30. What do you understand by prokaryotic organisms?
  31. Define water pollution and give some examples
  32. What is the importance of pH?
  33. What is the full form of DNA?
  34. What is the full form of RNA?
  35. What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
  36. Who discovered the structure of DNA?
  37. Where will you look for DNA and RNA in the cell?
  38. What are the building blocks of nucleic acids?
  39. Who gave the double helical structure of DNA?
  40. Differentiate between mitosis in plants and animals?
  41. Why do we use onion root tips or grasshopper larva for studying mitosis?
  42. What do you mean by the term ‘karyokinesis’
  43. Why mitosis is called equational division?
  44. What is the function of saliva?
  45. Name three glands that produce saliva in the body

The above-mentioned questions are important for the biology practical exam. As we discussed above, students must be aware of the exam pattern, marking scheme and the entire practical list before starting their preparation so that they can easily attempt their paper. The practical exam comprises 30 marks and hence students must be fully prepared to ace this section along with their theory paper. Good luck!

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