Best Reference books for class 7 maths - Study24x7
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Best Reference books for class 7 maths

Updated on 28 January 2022
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Updated on 28 January 2022

Reference books are considered to be the secondary material which the student refers to in case any doubt arises. These reference books are very important for better preparation of the exams. Students must go through these reference books as apart from the doubt clearance, these reference books consist of various sample papers and mock tests which will help you in preparing for the exams in a good way.    

Another key feature of these reference books is that the information collected is taken from a vast number of sources. The information is definite and authentic. Talking about the maths subject then students should refer to the Best Maths book for Class 7th as this subject needs a lot of problem-solving. Thus, students must refer to these books whenever a doubt arises. 

Best Reference Book for Class 7th CBSE Science

Science is considered as a difficult subject. Therefore, you must read from different reference books. Below is the list of some of the reference books of science that you can refer to. 



Full marks guide for Science for Class 7th

Ajay Anand

Oxford amazing Science book 7th

Maya Diwakar & Champa Bannerjee

MTG Science Foundation Course for Class 7th

MTG Learning Media

S.Chand A Compact & Comprehensive IIT Foundation science physics and Chemistry for Class 7th

Anubhuti Gangal & S.K Gupta

Pearson IIT Foundation Series Chemistry for Class 7th

Pearson Education

Full Marks Exemplar Science for Class 7th

Full Marks Publisher

Frank Top Graders Guide for Science for Class 7th

Frank Educational Aids

Golden Guide of Science for Class 7th

N.K Gupta

BMA IIT Foundation Explorer Science for Class 7th

Brain Mapping Academy

JPH Guide of Science for Class 7th

S.K Puri& S. Qureshi

Basic Science Electricity

Rupa Science Series

MTG NCERT Exercises+ Exemplar Solution Science for Class 7th

MTG Editorial Brand

Pearson IIT Foundation Series Physics for Class 7th

Pearson Education

These are some of the reference books that students can take help from. These reference books can help in better preparation for the exams. 

Best Reference Books for Class 7th CBSE Maths

Reference books are helpful for practicing for the exams. Below are the Mathematics reference books that students can study from in order to score good marks for the exams.  



Madhubun Targeting Mathematics for Class 7th

Lata Thergaonkar

Full Marks Guide Mathematics for Class 7th

R.C Yadav

Bharti Bhawan R.S Aggarwal Mathematics Textbook for Class 7th

R.S Aggarwal

Madhubun Targeting Mental Maths for Class 7th

Lata Thergaonkar

Acholars Hub Test for Maths IQ for Challenging Minds for Class 7th

Mukesh Setia & Vipin Setia

Scholars Hub Young Scholar Mathematics for Class 7th

Mridula Somayajulu

Madhubun Mathemind Practice in Mental Maths for Class 7th

Lata Thergaonkar

MTG Mathematics Foundation Course for Class 7th

MTG Editorial Brand

S. Chand A Compact & Comprehensive IIT Foundation Mathematics for Class 7th

Anubhuti Gangal & S.K Gupta

Pearson IIT Foundation Series Mathematics for Class 7th

Pearson Education

Frank Top Graders Guide of Mathematics for Class 7th

Frank Educational Aids


Now, which is the best Math Book for Class 7th? Well, there is no one book which can be considered as the best for preparation. Every book has different questions and solutions. Thus, you can consider the above – mentioned books for preparing for the exams. These are some of the best books in order to achieve a good percentage.   

The NCERT Reference Book for Class 7th is given above for Maths and Science. These reference books will help you in a better understanding and preparation of the exams. Reference books will help you in understanding some difficult concepts that students might not have understood while going through NCERT books.

Referring to the correct set of books is very important as students must be provided with authentic information so that you don’t write vaguely in the exam. Maths and Science are important subjects when you have to go for courses in medical and engineering. Therefore, if you start preparing from the right set of books, it will be beneficial in future. 

Students need proper preparation before the exams. Along with the NCERT books, it is important that you study from the reference books as well. The R.S Aggarwal Class 7th Maths and Science books are one of the best books that you can study from. This book contains the latest edition questions along with the previous year’s question papers and mock tests. Thus, reference books are of great use to prepare for the exams.   

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