SSC CGL 2020 Exam Syllabus/Pattern - Study24x7
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SSC CGL 2020 Exam Syllabus/Pattern

Updated on 23 September 2022
SSC Preparation Strategies & S
19 min read 33 views
Updated on 23 September 2022

SSC CGL Exam is distributed in a total of 4 levels that is- Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3, and Tier-4. The syllabus is also according to these 4 levels and hence it should be dealt with independently. 

SSC CGL Tier I Exam & Syllabus

The tier-1 exam is held online and is objective in nature. There will be 4 sections in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam consisting of 50 marks in each section making it a total of 200 marks attempt. Further bifurcation of questions and marks is mentioned below-

Important Points:

  1. SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam will be having negative marking. One wrong answer will deduct 0.5 marks from the total of all sections. 
  2. The exam duration for visually handicapped candidates will be 100 minutes .


SSC CGL TIER- 1 2020 Subjective Syllabus

SSC CGL Tier-1 Subjective exam question paper will be having a total of 4 sections which will be based on the 10th and 10+2 level of syllabus.

The total syllabus of the SSC CGL 2020 Tier-1 exam is given below which has been made on the basis of previous year questions that have appeared in the past five years exams.

Complete Syllabus of SSC CGL 2019 Tier-1 Exam

  1. Analogies | Similarities and Differences | Space visualization | Spatial orientation | Problem solving & Analysis | Judgment & Decision making | Visual memory | Discrimination & observation | Relationship concepts | Arithmetical Reasoning and figural classification | Arithmetic Number Series | Non-verbal series | Coding and Decoding | Statement conclusion Syllogistic reasoning | Semantic Analogy | Symbolic/Number Analogy | Figural Analogy | Semantic Classification | Symbolic/Number Classification | Figural Classification | Semantic Series |
  2. Number Series | Figural Series | Problem Solving | Word Building | Numerical Operations | Symbolic Operations | Trends | Space Orientation & Visualization
  3. Venn Diagrams | Drawing inferences | Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding | Figural Pattern – folding and completion | Indexing | Address matching | Date & city matching | Classification of center codes/roll numbers | Small & Capital | letters/numbers coding | Decoding and classification | Embedded Figures |
  4. Critical thinking | Emotional & Social Intelligence

  1. Computation of whole numbers decimals | Fractions and relationships between numbers | Percentage | Ratio & Proportion | Square roots | Averages | Interest |
  2. Profit and Loss | Discount | Partnership Business | Mixture and Allegation | Time and distance | Time & Work | Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds | Graphs of Linear Equations | Triangle and its various kinds of centers | Congruence and similarity of triangles | Circle and its chords, tangents | Angles subtended by chords of a circle | Common tangents to two or more circles
  3. Triangle | Quadrilaterals | Regular Polygons | Right Prism | Right Circular Cone |
  4. Right Circular Cylinder | Sphere & Hemispheres | Rectangular Parallelepiped
  5. Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base | Trigonometric ratio |
  6. Degree and Radian Measures | Standard Identities | Complementary Angles |
  7. Heights and Distances | Histogram | Frequency polygon | Bar diagram & Pie chart

  8. India and its neighboring countries | History | Culture | Geography | Economics |
  9. General politics & scientific research | Current Affairs

  1. Reading Comprehension | Fill in the Blanks | Spellings | Phrases and Idioms | One word Substitution | Sentence Correction

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Tier-2 Exam is conducted online and is an objective type test. The test consists of total of four sections with 100 questions having total of 200 marks. Further the details are mentioned below-

SSC CGL Tier 3 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

This exam is held in an offline mode and its basic purpose is to test the written skills of the candidates in English/Hindi. The candidates are required to write Letter/Essay/Summary/Application.

The candidates who want to prepare well for this section needs to go through a lot of articles from various magazines and newspapers. Other than this, the candidate needs to be well aware of the latest pattern of Letter and Application writing. 

SSC CGL Tier 4 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

SSC CGL 2020 Tier-4 exam will be having different skill tests that are important for certain government posts. 

  1. DEST (Data Entry Speed Test): It is a mandatory qualifying skill test for all the posts except for the post of Compiler. basic motto is to test the typing speed of the candidate. In this test, the candidate is provided with printed content in English which should be accurately typed on the computer with a minimum of 2000 keypress in a time duration of 15 minutes. 
  2. CPT (Computer Proficiency Test): This test is held in 3 modules- Word Processing, Spread Sheet and Generation of Slides. This test is mandatory for the applicants of Assistants of CSS. CPT is also a qualifying test. 

All the best to All the SSC-CGL 2020 aspirants !

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