Science vs Commerce vs Arts: What to choose after class 10? - Study24x7
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Science vs Commerce vs Arts: What to choose after class 10?

Updated on 01 December 2020
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Updated on 01 December 2020

The CBSE board organizes and conducts examinations for the 10th class students. The students often wonder what course to choose after the 10th class. Some think Arts is easy while some think commerce and science are easy. However, before choosing, you need to have full information about all the three streams so that you can decide what to choose after class 10th. This will give your career a direction. Therefore, it is better to decide and start early. 

Some students wonder which stream is best science, commerce or arts? Every student has his/her own unique set of skills, weaknesses and strengths. Therefore, you must choose your course according to your skills.  

1. Science Stream:

Many students choose science in 10+2 as they can apply further in medical and engineering courses. If a student has chosen science as his/her course, then he can switch to arts or commerce. But if a student has chosen arts or commerce in 10+2, then he/she cannot choose science in college.

There are six subjects in this stream i.e. maths, physics, biology, chemistry, IT etc. Students have to choose any one language course too like French, Hindi or Sanskrit to have good career opportunities. 

2. Arts:

Although students do not choose Arts stream often but this stream offers a wide range of career opportunities like social, work, literature, teaching etc. there are many exciting and interesting subjects in this stream like history, philosophy and any one language like French or German etc. 

3. Commerce:

This is one of the popular choices among students. Commerce stream is considered and leads to one of the highest paying and reputed jobs like CA, CS, IPS, IAS and many more. Economics, Accounts and Business are taught in this stream. This stream also consists of six subjects and one language. 

Students often wonder; commerce v/s arts which is better? Most of the students have confusion regarding arts and commerce. They feel that they are the same. But they have some differences. Below is the differentiation between the two. 

Commerce v/s Arts



Accounts, Taxing, Auditing, Finance, and Business - Studies are the subjects included in Commerce.

Geography, Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science are the subjects included in Arts.

Students need to have good marks in 10th in order to choose this stream in 10+2.

Students can get admission in 10+2 if they score average grades.

This is a professional stream and students can get professional jobs like CA, CS etc.

There are less professional jobs associated with this course.

You cannot choose a science or engineering stream. You can only choose the Arts stream.

You cannot choose any stream if you have selected the Arts stream.


Now let’s talk about the salaries. Students ponder upon the fact i.e. science v/s commerce salary who earns more? There is indeed a difference of salaries between science and commerce.

The science stream includes research and technology. Not many options are available for the job of the science stream. Zoologist, Biotechnologist and Forensic Science Specialist are some of the jobs which are included in the science stream. The pay-grade is relatively less in science.

On the other hand, commerce opens a wide range of opportunities in terms of career and job. You can start by doing a professional course like CA or CS and also apply in civil services like IAS and IPS which has a high pay scale. Commerce is much better in terms of job opportunities than science. 

Another question that a student asks is commerce v/s arts salary who earns better? Commerce opens a wide range of opportunities in taxing, auditing, banking, finance and many other finance and money related options.

On the other hand, arts include job opportunities like teaching, professor or lecturer-ship and include subjects like travel and tourism, theatre and performing arts etc. Both the streams include almost the same salaries but it depends upon the course that one undertakes in further studies.  

Which is better science or commerce after 10th? This question is repeatedly asked by the students. As you have read above that the job opportunities provided by commerce are much better than science. So this means that commerce as a stream is better than science. Commerce opens many opportunities for the students in terms of career and jobs. This leads to good career growth of students.

However, many students choose science initially in 10+2 and then switch to other commerce courses while applying for further studies. It is better to choose a stream in which you have your skill sets. Therefore, commerce is a better option than science, but it is up to the student what they want to choose after 10th boards. 

Disadvantages of choosing science stream 

Science is chosen by many students after the 10th boards. Some find it interesting while others find it tiresome and boring. There are several disadvantages related to the science stream.

1. The science stream sometimes gives a lot of burden to the students. Students are not able to handle the pressure and therefore, they lose their concentration and focus on studies.

2. Students are not able to engage themselves in extra – curricular activities. As science students, they need to study for a long period of time. Therefore, students cannot do any other activity apart from studying. 

3. Some students are not able to manage their time i.e. they have to give at-least 7 – 10 hours to study. Sometimes, students might get exhausted studying for such a long period of time. They are not able to do other activities and are also unable to manage time properly.  

4. Continuing science as a further study/course can be a costly affair and some people are not able to fund it. This is also one of the reasons that people do not choose science as their course for further studies. 

Students often wonder which stream is the best science, commerce or arts. If we compare all these three streams, commerce is the best option for the students who wish to do professional courses and also wish to earn a reasonable amount of money. Although it is hard to differentiate between the three, students are always advised to choose the course that goes well with their acquired skill sets. They often switch their streams and go with different courses. Therefore, it is advised to think and choose the stream so that you continue it after the board exams.

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