How to Score 10 cgpa in class 10? - Study24x7
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How to Score 10 cgpa in class 10?

Updated on 01 December 2022
7 min read 345 views
Updated on 01 December 2022

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts board examinations for class 10th, 12th and entrance examinations on a national level. CBSE is a national board that deals with medical science, arts and engineering examinations. You need to score good marks in both the 10th and 12th board exams, so that you can get admission to good colleges. Applying in the right course can further help you in having good career opportunities. Therefore, scoring a good percentage is very important. 

The 10 CGPA in percentage can be calculated by multiplying it by 9.5. For instance, if you have scored 9 CGPA, then your percentage will be 85.5 (i.e. 9x9.5). Similarly, if you have scored 10 CGPA, then your percentage will be 95 (10x9.5). Thus, securing 10 CGPA is important as many things depend upon the 10th board result. 

How to score 10 CGPA in Engineering?

Getting a 10 CGPA is not at all an easy job. Getting good marks in 10th class is important as it might help you in your further studies. If you feel you are good in analytical and practical skills then you must choose non – medical as your course and must go for an engineering degree.

Securing a good score in engineering also helps in career opportunities. You can apply for various jobs which will result in your career growth. For that you have to follow some preparation strategies so that you can secure good marks in engineering.

1. Setting up Goals:

The most important thing is to set up goals to achieve good marks. Prepare the list of subjects and decide a particular topic that you intend to finish. This will help in the timely completion of the syllabus. Goals help in the efficient achievement of daily tasks. 

2. Time – Table:

Prepare a proper time – table to be followed religiously. Set a proper routine and follow it. List out your weak areas and begin preparing from those areas. Time – table must be followed for the achievement of goals.

3. Fundamental Studies:

Rely on what you study in classrooms. Go through the NCERT books and notes of chapters that you have made. NCERT books help in clearing the base regarding various topics and chapters. You can also clarify your doubts by referring to various reference books. Reference books include the detailed explanation of topics. So you can clarify your doubts by referring to these references and NCERT books.

4. Take a Break:

Take regular intervals between studies so that your mind is refreshed. Concentration power and focus are improved by taking regular breaks.    

Students also wonder, How to get 10 points in 10th Class? The above-mentioned preparation strategies can also be undertaken in order to score full marks in 10th class. You can achieve a full score by following these tips and working hard and concentrating on your weak areas.  

How to attempt Science paper in Class 10th ?

Science paper in CBSE is ranged from medium to difficult. However, you must undertake certain steps in order to attempt a science paper and gain good marks.

1. Know the Exam Pattern:

There are various sites that tell you about the exam pattern and structure. Go through them and know about the marking scheme and time duration. This will help you in better time - management while attempting the examination. 

2. Go through the syllabus:

Go through the syllabus and mark your weak areas and begin preparing from them as these areas might be time – consuming. Refer to NCERT and other reference books while studying as they may result in a better understanding of the topic or a chapter.

3. Preparation tips for Physics:

  1. Learn and write the formulas to be revised after the completion of the syllabus.
  2. Topics like atoms and neutrons, Newton’s laws can come in the exam.
  3. Practice numerical that you expect in the examination.
  4. Practice diagrams and solve previous years question papers to get a fair view of how the exam is going to be. 

4. Preparation tips for Chemistry:

  1. This is a high scoring area. You just have to memorize the chemical bonds and reactions in order to cover this part.
  2. Salt compounds, carbon compounds and other chemical formulas can come in the exam.
  3. Make proper notes and memorize the formulas. 

5. Preparation tips for Biology:

  1. Practice diagrams of the respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system and many others that you feel are important. 
  2. Since Biology contains theory, so, you need to have repetitive revision sessions. You need to memorize and practice again and again. 
  3. The reproduction system is one of the important topics that might come in the exam.

These are some of the tips that you can follow in order to prepare for the science exam. Since this exam is not easy so you need to start preparing well in advance to score good marks in the boards. 

How to get 10 CGPA in Maths?

Like science, maths is also considered as one of the difficult subjects. The mathematics exam is also ranged from medium to difficult. Therefore, to score good marks you need to follow some of the preparation strategies. These strategies will help in a better understanding of the subject and revision too. 

1. Know the syllabus:

Go through the syllabus and start from your weak areas as that might help you in completing the syllabus. Easy topics or chapters can be done anytime. But you need to focus on your weak areas first. 

2. Follow a proper schedule:

Make a time schedule and follow it daily. Following the time – table might help you in completing the syllabus efficiently well before time. You will have ample time to revise what you have studied. Therefore, a time – table will help in getting better results.

3. Merge the topics:

You cannot study one topic for 4-5 hours. Therefore, it is advised that you must mix and match the topics i.e. take any two topics and give 2-2 hours each. In this way, you will not be exhausted and 2 topics will be covered smoothly and efficiently.

4. Solve sample papers:

Solve previous years question papers, sample papers and mock test. You can also take online quizzes in order to prepare and practice for the exams. Sample papers help in better preparation for the exams. Therefore, you can refer to various books in order to prepare for the exam.

5. Revise and repeat:

The more you revise, the better your concentration will be while attempting the exam. Revise repeatedly the formulas and graphs. Learning these formulas will help in an efficient and smooth revision of the exams. 

You can undertake these preparation strategies to get good marks in mathematics. Since it is a difficult subject so you need to start preparing well in advance before the exams.


Students often wonder; how to top in class 10th? Well, class 10th boards are very important and scoring a good percentage is equally important. So, to score good marks in class 10th you can follow the above-mentioned preparation strategies. These strategies will help you in completing the syllabus so that you get ample time to revise. For further exam related queries, you can visit the official website:

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