Preparation Strategy for ESE Electrical Engineering - Study24x7
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Preparation Strategy for ESE Electrical Engineering

Updated on 09 July 2020
Competitive Exams guide
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Updated on 09 July 2020

Engineering Services Examination (ESE) holds a major value for those who wish to secure a job in various sectors like ministry, PSUs, borders, etc. An engineering graduate is eligible to appear for this exam. The ESE is conducted only for 4 streams i.e Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics & telecommunications. For candidates who want to opt for ESE Electrical Engineering should follow a certain preparation strategy to clear the exam with good scores. In this article, we will discuss the detailed strategy to prepare for this exam. 

The primary aspect to consider before starting the preparation is to first collect the previous years question paper for reference. It will give a fair idea for what type of questions are expected in the exam. Also, candidates should identify the important questions and similar questions that have been asked in each paper. Basically Identify the exam trends so it will be easy to understand and prepare according to the exam. 

The second aspect is to note down the important topics in the entire electrical paper and then study accordingly. Some of the important topics for the paper are listed below:

Electrical Materials - Candidates can score good marks in this topic. Refer to relevant books for preparation rather than using different books for each topic.

Electric Circuits & Field Circuits - This is an important section of electrical engineering. There are many theoretical concepts in this topic so to prepare for this section try to understand the topics rather than memorizing them. This approach will be useful for the mains exam as it is a subjective type of exam. 

Computer Fundamentals- This section is important for scoring good marks in the prelims exam. The overall section covers topics related to computer basics. Around 8 to 10 questions are asked in the prelims exam from this section. 

Analog and Digital Electronics- This section covers some numerical problems and core concepts. Give more importance to Transistors, diode and amplitude. Again, Understand the concepts rather than memorizing it and Solve the numerical problems frequently.

Power Electronics- There are many derivations in this section so try to understand and then practice it.

Control Systems- For this section refer to the exam syllabus. Sort out the important topics and then study according to it.

Systems and Signal Processing- There are a lot of formulas in this section so try to make mini notes which will be useful for referring at the time of the exam.

Power Systems- Study the numerical and core concepts in this section thoroughly and refer to the exam syllabus for the same. 

The third aspect is to refer to the standard reference books. Some of the reference books that will be helpful for ESE Electrical Engineering preparation are as follows:

  1.  Power Systems by Nagrath & Kothari
  2. Power Electronics by PS Bhimra
  3. Signal & System by Oppenheim and Willsky
  4. Electronic devices & Circuits & Analog Electronics by Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias
  5. Control System by I.G Nagnath and M. Gopal
  6. Computer Engineering by Ramesh Gaonkar and Stalling. 

Remember that there are a lot of formulas in this section. One needs to write down the formulas and practice numerical problems daily. Candidates should understand the core concepts and applications to write answers in the mains exams. Also, in the prelims exam where the questions are objective type, try to solve mock tests for that. 

Solving Mock tests frequently will increase the chances of understanding the paper better and solving the questions on time. There are also many derivations in the electrical paper which should be practiced thoroughly. Candidates often make the mistake of using the wrong symbols while writing a specific derivation. To avoid that, a proper practice is very necessary. 

Clearing an ESE Electrical Engineering Exam is not a difficult task. Candidates need to understand the exam pattern, syllabus, exam trends and then study according to it. Refer to previous year question papers and solve mock tests. The last thing is to Revise everything that they have learned throughout the preparation. Remember that there are only a handful of vacancies in this sector and there are many aspirants who appear for the exam. So apart from this preparation strategy, one should put lots of effort, dedication and be consistent to score good marks in the exam.

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