Preparation strategy of UGC NET exam for 6 months and 1 year - Study24x7
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Preparation strategy of UGC NET exam for 6 months and 1 year

Updated on 09 July 2020
The world of media and journal
6 min read 10 views
Updated on 09 July 2020

Usually the syllabus of the UGC NET exam is based on master’s degree syllabus. For e.g, if a student completed M.A Political Science he/she can appear for UGC NET exam in Political science. The syllabus of the exam is mostly based on M.A Political Science syllabus and most of the emphasis should be given on the same.

The candidate can crack the UGC NET in the first attempt relying on long term preparation.

Constant revision of subjects is the key---If you are focusing on long-term preparation for the exam, make sure to revise the subjects from time to time. Generally two kinds of students appear for UGC NET exam,i.e,students who have completed a master’s degree and students who are pursuing final year master’s degree.Students who have completed the master’s degree and preparing for the UGC NET exam must first start with the first year syllabus of master’s degree course.Before starting the prep for UGC NET exam one needs to refer the UGC NET syllabus and divide the topics accordingly.

Division of syllabus for UGC NET Preparation

It is always better to start preparation for UGC NET Paper-2 first. The syllabus of a subject in the UGC NET exam is divided into topics and subtopics. The syllabus is divided as follows:---


Name of the subject-----------------Economics

Number of units(topics)-------------10

Number of sub-topics in each unit--10-14

Total no. of sub topics to prepare---10x14=140

No. of subtopics that can be covered per day-------3

No. of subtopics that can be covered

In a week(5 days,Monday to Friday)-----3x5=15(3 subtopics per day 

                                                           Multiplied by 5,so 15 subtopics can be    

                                                           Covered in a week.)

6th day,i.e,Saturday---------------    Practice test for the one complete topic


Name of the subject-------------English Literature

Number of units(topics)--------15

Number of subtopics in each unit------12-16

Total number of subtopics to prepare-----15x16=240

No.of subtopics that can be covered per day-------- 3

No. of subtopics that can be covered in a week(5 days)----3x5=15

6th day,i.e,Saturday-----------------Practice test for the one complete topic  

Deep knowledge of the subject is necessary-One of the major advantages of the long term preparation strategy for UGC NET exam is that you get a chance to have deep knowledge of the subject.The paper-2 of UGC NET has many subject-specific questions and the difficulty level of the same is also high as deeper aspects of subjects are covered.                                                                                                                                                                                         


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