Content Marketing and it's importance - Study24x7
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Content Marketing and it's importance

Updated on 07 July 2020
The world of media and journal
7 min read 2 views
Updated on 07 July 2020

Content marketing is a type of marketing where online written material like videos, blogs, social media posts do not promote a brand directly but have the intention of stimulating interest in a company’s products and services. It is a strategic marketing approach which is focused on creating informative, relevant content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and also to drive customer action profitably.

Social media is an integral part of content marketing. It does not pitch the products or services directly but gives relevant, consistent and useful content to your prospects and customers helping them solve their issues. Today vast majority of marketers are using content marketing. It’s developed and executed by big and small businesses alike. Content marketing is good for the bottom line and customers. Companies benefit through content marketing by having----

1.Increased sales

2.Cost savings

3.Loyal and better customers

Content is the present and future of marketing. Content marketing must be a part of the process of the marketing tactics and not stand separately.

Content marketing strategy comes before social media marketing. Search engines reward businesses that produce and publish quality and consistent content. For the working of PPC, the backing of great content is needed. Content is key to drive inbound traffic and leads. An effective content marketer needs a well documented content marketing strategy.

Today in this ever growing, competitive B2B marketing world almost all of the businesses make good deal of investments in building up content marketing programs. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways of growing audience engagement, developing the brand presence, driving sales and is like a critical ingredient for the success recipe of most businesses.

Importance of content marketing

Content marketing is important because it answers all the questions of the audience solving their queries. By content marketing one can build trust with the audience, improve conversions, make connections with customers and generate leads. A consistent, high-quality and engaging content impacts the audience decision making more than any other technique. According to many surveys content creation is a must for 54% marketers. And content marketing accounts for 29%of B2B marketing budgets.

The consistency in brand messaging is a very important factor for the growth and success of a business. And the content marketing part should abide by the same rules. The content should be unique in style, substance and should pitch across all distribution channels. A consistent user experience also helps in building a trusted brand. And never to forget consistency is the secret ingredient to keep happy customers along the total journey of business. A consistent content gives you lot of credit, builds trust and makes a strong reputation.

Benefits of content marketing

A well written article piece is a bonus and a precious asset. It has the ability to create a positive influence for your potential customers and make them come back, keep them hooked. It’s an entry card to gain audience attention and keep reinforcing a good brand impression.

The method of increasing social media followers across channels is a way and creation of trending content is another. If a business doesn’t see much profit even though it has a huge follower base then it’s time to use content marketing.

Creating useful content helps a business build a relationship with the audience. You can answer their questions and interact with them. When a content shows up at the right place and the right time with the right audience it improves the brand’s reputation.

Content marketing can also generate leads. When the audience comes across valuable content they may decide to purchase from you in the future. And calls-to-action(CTA)placed directly in your content can generate new leads for the company’s sales team. Content is the best way to guide users to a landing page. Content is created to provide visitors with useful and free information in which CTAs can be included anywhere in the content, in-line, bottom-of-post or on the side panel. If a visitor likes the content they will click the CTA button and move to the home page.

Content also influences conversions. Customers will purchase from a company if they like the content matter written about it. The content should always include a CTA and guide the reader.

A consistent, high-quality content is needed for SEO. The content should help a business become visible online and build trust and authority with your audience. With a developed content strategy the page may rank higher in search engines.

The creation of quality content helps build authority online. And customers will be more inclined towards you if they view you as an industry expert. The assessment of the quality of the content is important. And one of the assessment is by content scoring. Content scoring is the process of assessing the worth and potential of content by tracking how the content pieces perform in generating and converting leads.

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