How to conduct effective online classes? - Study24x7
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How to conduct effective online classes?

Updated on 12 June 2020
6 min read 7 views
Updated on 12 June 2020

The industry of online education is on an all-time high as more people are turning to the internet for acquiring new skills and upgrading their existing knowledge. If you are a teacher and haven’t yet made your presence in the online teaching industry then this article is meant for you! 

Here you would know how to become a teacher online and start giving effective online classes! 

Growth of online teaching has opened new prospects for teachers who are already teaching offline and have got a dedicated set of audiences i.e. their classroom/coaching students. But having an audience is not all, and you do need to work on many other aspects of online teaching as well. So what are they? Read on to know!

Plan your classes in advance 

A well thought course module is the best beginning of any sort of online class. Addressing your students online is entirely different from what you do in conventional classrooms. Here, it can be a case that your audience belongs to different time zones from across the globe. To avoid any last moment bloopers you must have a well-constructed course module in hand which has to be followed duly in the live classes. 

To make your classes accessible to all audiences irrespective of the time difference or geographical limitations you must schedule the live classes at a proper time, also, keeping a recorded backup is useful. Don’t forget about adding a well-framed “Table of Content” at the beginning which should comprise all the topics and sub-topics that the online course will cover. 

Get your hands on the right online teaching platform 

To teach online from home you require a no-hassle platform. Investing in the right set of online teaching tools can turn out to be an asset. But avoid splurging into big brands as you can get the same set of features even in cheaper online teaching platforms. 

A platform such as Study24x7 gives you a range of features and benefits to conduct online classes free of cost. It allows you to build unlimited online courses without letting you fret about interface or technology at all. The requirement from your end is to have a reliable computer and an uninterrupted internet connection that’s all! 

Create an ideal working environment 

Remote working can become a challenge if you lack discipline. You can sort this situation out by planning your work environment. Setup a small workstation and use it strictly for your work-related purpose. Avoid any type of distraction, noise, or extracurricular activities in your workspace. Maintaining work discipline also involves a “No-Procrastinating” attitude, which means you need to follow the schedule as planned rather than delaying or ignoring it.  

Fuel your live classrooms with innovative ideas

Online classrooms are way too different from conventional classrooms and if not planned properly online classrooms can come off as mechanical and boring. 

To conduct live classes efficiently you need to encourage discussions while teaching. Add some extra elements to your online class curricula such as quizzes, surveys, doubt clearing sessions, and free talking sessions where students can share their views. Also, allotting your students with assignments or some other DIY activities can bring motivation in them to better learn from live classes.

Maintain an open communication structure 


You must know that online teaching is more demanding in terms of communication than the traditional form of teaching. To add that sense of belonging to the online classes you need to create an active online presence. 

Make sure that you have provided your students with the power to communicate with you through various sources such as live chat, email, messages, calls, and forums. You also need to assign a time window when they can talk to you and get their queries answered. Don’t forget to answer every question that is asked promptly as delaying can show your negligence.

Lastly, ask for feedback

Student feedback can be really valuable if you seek to establish a proper career as an online teacher! As you are creating online courses for students so it is best to know what their requirements are and how it can help you grow your course content as well as teaching methodologies. 

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